Chapter 7

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Only 10 minutes earlier had Jade been sat by her love on the hotel bed.
Only 10 minutes earlier had Leigh been crying for Perrie to come back.
Only 10 minutes earlier had Pez been lay on the cool, white sheets.
Only 10 minutes earlier had Jesy been crying alone in the toilets.
And now, the silence in the cold, stiff waiting room was deafening.
The chairs made small squeaking and clicking noises when you moved on them. They were made from plastic, and were painted a worn out yellowy colour, and the paint had gradually chipped off in some areas over the years. To the left of the couple of dozen chairs was a desk, where a woman was sat, making notes. She mumbled quietly to herself, and every so often, the phone rang, and the woman would pick it up, and speak Japanese to the receiver at the other end.
Thats probably the one thing that filled the silence.
Other then the creaky chairs, there stood a battered, low down table in the centre of the waiting room. Near the chairs were some double doors, leading out to the wards and operation rooms.

Where Perrie had been wheeled seconds earlier.

Jade and Leigh were sat beside each other on the battered plastic seats, where as Jesy sat one chair away from Leigh Anne. This did not help the awkwardness of the situation in any way. At all.

"Visitors wait here". Thats what the doctor said. The doctor that wheeled Perrie away with his colleagues. "Visitors wait here". Thats what he said. The words flew around Jade's mind like seagulls on the open bay. 'Visitors'...thats all Jade felt like right now. A 'visitor'. A temporary human being that was there for one reason only. After that, they'd just go. Thats exactly what Jade felt like. Like she was just going to go. She had been there for one reason only, and now she was just going to go... just a visitor. Just a temporary visitor. Jade was just a visitor.

Leigh looked down and Jade's soft hand, which was gripped tightly to the side to the plastic seat. She put her own hand on top of it and squeezed it gently. Jade looked up from the floor so she was facing Leigh. Leigh looked up also. For a moment, they stared into each others sorrowful eyes, as Leigh's hand still rested gently on Jade's, but Jade's grip onto the chair loosened.
The gaze into each others eyes seemed to last a whole lot longer then it did. They stared until a small trickle of water ran from Leigh Anne's dark eyes, which is when she closed her eyes and turned away to wipe her eye on her sleeve. Jade placed her other hand on top of Leigh's hand, which was already on told of Jade's other hand. She squeezed it softly as Leigh had done to her. "gorgeous." Jade whispered softly.
"W... what..?" Leigh whimpered as she turned back to face Jade.
"thats what you are." Jade smiled softly, trying to forget about all the pain that ran through her veins. Leigh couldn't find anything to say. Instead, she placed her head onto Jade's chest, where she could hear her heart pumping quickly in her chest. Jade put her chin lightly on Leigh's head and stroked her beautiful curly locks, which were not in a natural afro today, but straightened with a slight wave, as there was no time that morning to do anything. Neither of the girls had any make up on either, making them both feel slightly bare. They sat in silence once again. For longer this time.

Neither of the girls were sure what they were even waiting for, or how long they would be there, but the pain began to slowly drift away, when Jade shut her delicate eyes, and drifted off into another world, where nothing had happened to Perrie, and everything was perfect...
so did Leigh Anne.

For in that short, but super long space of 5 minutes, everything was perfect.

But the truth hurts.

And when the girls both got shaken to wake up... the truth hit them...

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