Chapter 2-Truly a Zabini

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Blaise's POV

We apparated to the manor. I could not believe that know-it-all, bookworm Granger- well now Zabini was my twin.

"Wow" said Mia "Our house is huge"

"If you think this is big, wait untill you see Malfoy Manor" I chuckled. Mia spun around and looked at me with pure terror etched on her face.

"M-m-m-malfoy M-m-m-manor" she stuttered white as a sheet.

"Yes" I said and Mia fainted.

Mia's POV

"Mia, Mia can you hear me?" I heard as  I slowly opened my eyes.

"Ow" I winced in pain as I touched the back of my head.

"Mia, why did you faint?" Blaise asked me worry displayed across his face.

"Well" I said getting up slowly "While Harry, Ron and I were on the run from Voldemort and the death eaters, we were captured and brought to Malfoy Manor. While Harry and Ron were put in the dungeons, I was tourted for information by Bellatrix. She used the cruciatus curse more times then I can count and she carved the word Mudblood into my arm. Luckily we were able to escape before Ron or Harry could be hurt. However I do have some PTSD from that event." I finished.

"How do you not have any scars?" my dad asked. My mom looked like she would burst into tears at any moment. I waved my wand over my arm and my concealment spell came off showing my scar. You could still clearly see where the word "mudblood" had been carved into my arm. 

"Anyway that was a long time ago, I'm fine now" I said deciding not to worry my mom any more by telling her about my nightmares. I covered my scar once more. I turned to my parents and said "So if I am Blaise's twin then why don't I look like him?"

"When we gave you to the Granger's we placed a glamour on you" my mum said. "Would you like it to be removed now?" I nodded my head eagerly. She waved her wand and the spell was lifted.

"Wow" I breathed looking at myself.

Blaise's POV

Mom waved her wand and suddenly standing in front of my was no longer Hermione Granger but Mia Zabini. She had long blond hair that went down to her butt. Her eye had changed from brown to a piercing emerald green with gold flecks. Mia was also taller and skinnier. She had an hourglass shape and her breast and butt had gotten bigger and fuller. Her clothing had also changed. She was now wearing a light almost neon green tank top with a leather jacket, a green and black plaid skirt that went down to mid thigh with black tights and black knee high boots with a three inch heel.

"Now you look like a Zabini" I said.

"Hmmm" my dad hummed. "Mia take off your jacket" Mia took off her jacket and there on her right fore was a snake tattoo that went around her arm once.

"Why do I have a tattoo?" Mia questioned.

"Every family member has one" I said showing her my right forearm, where my snake tattoo was. "When you find you soul mate it will change into something else and it will most likely appear somewhere else on your body" I explained. "You start with a snake tattoo because that was mother and father's animal. Ready to meet the rest of the family?" I asked Mia.

"I'm ready" she replied following me as  I pushed open the doors.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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