Chapter 9

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

It's been a month since Ember, Isis and Seshu moved into the house. The three get on well with the other girls and are already used to the everyday life.

Isis is a long sleeper, but she also likes to fall asleep everywhere. Jaune took her to the park to picnic, it wasn't long before Isis fell asleep and used Jaune as a pillow. Jaune of course allowed that and cuddled with her when she woke up she gave him a kiss on the lips.

Ember has a fiery temper, but she gets on well with the other girls, even if she often argues with Mila. Jaune went to the park with her at her request and the two had a lot of fun playing. After a while Ember jumped at Jaune and the two laughed on the grass, Ember admitted their love for Jaune and gave him a kiss.

Seshu lives in the garage, but at her own request, as she likes to tinker with stuff. She even built a bike for Jaune and he has to give her that it is great to drive.

She told him that it was her dream to ride a motorcycle one day, but since she is an Arachne, it was not really possible for her to do that

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She told him that it was her dream to ride a motorcycle one day, but since she is an Arachne, it was not really possible for her to do that. Jaune's goal was to make her dream come true, so he called Ms. Smith for help. One day, Jaune surprised Seshu with a sidecar, that was compatible for an arachne. After the two went on a trip and came back, Seshu jumped on Jaune and kissed him.

Jaune is lying in his bed when the door opens, he suspects it is Mila who is sleepwalking again, but the person who comes in is not just MIla, with her are Lilith, Theia, Azumi, Ember, Isis and Seshu. Jaune stares at the girls who are also looking at him, except for Mila and Ember, who stare at each other with a somewhat angry expression.

Jaune: What's going on girls?

Theia: J-Jaune, we w-want t-t-to...

Theia's face is crimson, Lilith starts to stroke her head so that she calms down.

Isis: What Theia wanted to say, is that we want to give you some love.

Jaune has a guess what she means, but decides to ask.

Jaune: With love you mean...

Seshu: Yes sex.

Jaune's head falls a little and he sighs.

Jaune: That's what I thought.

Isis: Don't you want sex with us?

Jaune shakes his head.

Jaune: That's not the thing, are you sure you want that? Just so you know, I'm ready to marry each of you.

Lilith: We know that Jaune, that's the reason why we want to have sex with you, you are the nicest person we have ever met, we love you Jaune and we want to show you that.

Jaune: I love you too.

Jaune looks over at Azumi.

Jaune: Azumi can you even have sex?

Azumi nods.

Azumi: Positive, I can have sex.

Jaune: Okay, let's get started.

Throughout the conversation, Ember and Mila were arguing.

Ember: I will satisfy him much more than you!

Mila: I do not think so. I will satisfy him better.

Lilith hits the two on the head and the two stare at Lilith while holding their heads.

Lilith: Stop arguing, he said yes.

Mila and Ember look at Jaune and jump to him.

Mila/Ember: My prey!

Jaune and the girls spent an incredible night together. The next morning Jaune was awakened by the sun's rays hitting his face, he sees the girls cuddling with him in their sleep and he smiles.

Jaune: I'm really happy, that I was teleported here is the best thing that ever happened.

---Meanwhile on Remnant---

Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Blake, Qrow, Oscar, Pyrrha and Maria are standing in a snowy forest. Ruby was able to save Pyrrha back then, but it was dangerous close. Now the team made their way to Argus with Nora and Ren, but the train was attacked by Grimm, which meant that they separated a few wagons and the group was in these wagons so as not to endanger the civilians. Jinn has just told them the story of Ozpin and Salem and most of them are angry.

Jinn: You have two questions left.

Ozpin is surprised he thought there was only one question left.

Ozpin: two?

Jinn giggles.

Jinn: The hundred years are over Ozpin. You had three questions again, now only two. You Pyrrha Nikos, I know you have a question that has been with you for a while.

Weiss: Pyrrha, what is she talking about?

Pyrrha doesn't even listen to Weiss, she can finally get an answer to her question.

Pyrrha: Jinn, what happend to Jaune Arc?

Yang: Pyrrha! You just wasted a question for a dead man!

Blake: We all know you loved him and we feel bad that we treated him like this but he's dead!

Jinn: Once upon a time there was a boy named Jaune Arc.

The group is surrounded by a blue mist and they see a picture of a young Jaune sitting in front of an old man telling him stories.

Jinn: He was amazed at the stories his grandfather told him. He really wanted to be the same, but his parents forbade him to do so.

The scene changes again, you can see a couple of girls training with a man and Jaune stands by the side and looks at the scene with a sad look

Jinn: While his sisters were being trained, he was only allowed to look. However, this also led to most of his sisters making fun of him. Only his big sister Saphron didn't made fun of him. It didn't get any better at school, he was bullied because he was weak for the Arc family.

The scene changes again, you can see Jaune bullied by a couple of children.

Jinn: Jaune couldn't understand it, he just wanted to help people, he didn't want to do it for fame or money, he wanted to save people. Even in love he never had a success, the only girlfriend he ever had was only with him because it was a bet.

The group seems to have hit that, they didn't expect that.

Jinn: Beacon was a chance for Jaune, but as usual for him, his luck did not last long when everyone decided to oppose him. After the bullhead he was in was attacked, he died.

Everyone in the group looks sadly at the floor. But Jinn smiles.

Jinn: But this wasn't his end.

Everyone's eyes widen and they stare at Jinn in shock.

Jinn: His time had not yet come, he was teleported to another world. There he met the government agent, Ms. Smith, who suggested that he is establish in an exchange program. In the world where Jaune is, there are monsters, he takes care of seven monster girls. And he is in a relationship with the girls.

Pyrrha: WHAT?!

Jinn: The girls are Mila the Jinko, Lilith the Vampire, Theia the Cyclops, Azumi the Robot, Ember the Hellhound, Isis the Mummy and Seshu the Arachne.

A picture of each girl appears and Pyrrha escalates.

Pyrrha: He lives and is in a relationship with seven girls. What have I done?!

Jinn: Jaune is really happy and will soon marry the girls.

Girls: WHAT?!

To be continued.

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