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Hermione's P.O.V

1 year from the war.

I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. After all those years of people bullying me and tormenting me I've finally done something about it. I have spent three months finding the products to tame my hair and color it with dye. I have been to the gym to gain more curves and leave my slim and flat body in the past. I have been to many dentists to care for my teeth and fix them up. I had went to the muggle earring stores to get my ears pierced 3 times on each ear. I put three black diamond earrings into each ear.

I braid my rainbow dyed hair into two braids and start to do my makeup. I put only a little bit of concealer under my eyes and dab some blush on my cheeks. I swipe a bit of clear lip gloss across my lips and grab my mascara. Lucky for me I've always been gifted with long eyelashes so I have no problem with that. I curl my eyelashes and spray a bit of perfume. I put a little bit of mascara and smile at my reflection. 

I nod at the mirror and whisper, "girl power" and smile with my gleaming white, straight teeth.

I look over at my letters, stacked in a neat pile. Most of them were from Ron, who has tried to contact me for over a year. I shook my head and decided that my arrival at the burrow would be a surprise for them all. Especially Fred... I smile at my small crush on the Weasley twin. We have both had a crush on each other for ages, but my love for someone else had gotten in the way. I sigh a long sigh and walk into my bedroom.

I dress into my new crop top that I would never have worn a year ago because of my self consciousness. It was black and white stripes that ended just before my belly button. I dressed into my new jeans that hugged my curves perfectly. I grab my black military boots and lace them up. I look in the mirror and smile again. "Perfect," I said.

I grab my firebolt and head out the door. I am no longer the brainiac that I used to be in school. I was very different. I had learned to fly on a broom, quite well actually. I was good in the wizarding sport called quittitch. I loved the sport actually. I was noticed more often. I became very sassy and almost rude, but I am still a caring person at that. I wonder if anyone would recognize me when I arrived. 

It was time to head for the burrow. I was excited to see them, after all, it's been a year.

I mounted my broom and soared into the sky, I looked outside at the clouds and the wizard buildings below.

By the time I arrived my hair was still amazing as well as my makeup. I looked at the burrow and all of the memories of my childhood came rushing. I smiled at the memories and got off of my broom and walked along the pathway to the burrow door. I knock three times and I see seven red heads and one boy with raven hair.

I smile big and proud as they all stare at me in shock. "Mum, who's this pretty woman?" asked George. "Blimey, she's quite the eyesight." said Ron. Harry just looked at me with wide eyes as Ginny looked at him in a jealous manner. Mr. Weasley just looked as shocked as Percy. Mrs. Weasley looked at me and asked, "Why hello, who could you be?"

Fred finally went out of his daze and whispered, "Hermione?" 

Hermione's eyes twinkled and she said, "at least someone got it," and smiled.

Everyone gasped.

Ron's eyes went wide as he said, "What happened to you?" and smiled big.

Harry looked angry and said, "Why didn't you respond to our letters?"

Percy now looked still shocked as Mr. Weasley pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

George laughed a big laugh and grabbed me and hugged me really tight. "Glad to see you little sis." he whispered.

Mrs. Weasley calms everyone down and said, "Give her a moment to breathe." and then hugged me and kissed my forehead.

I smiled appreciatively at her as she smiled back in a very happy way.

Everyone went inside and I walked in as everyone headed into the kitchen for supper. I felt someone grab my hand and I looked up at Fred's grinning face. Guilt ran through my veins as I thought of someone else on my mind. 


I know it's stupid of me considering of all the horrible things he has done to me, not to mention the wizarding world as well. But I couldn't help but fall for him and his amazing qualities.

Fred pulled out my chair and I sat in it and smiled at him.

Just as I was about to eat, everyone was looking at my face and hair. I blushed and mumbled, "why are you guys looking at me like that..."

"Hermione, where have you been..." asked Harry. He looked at me with a pained expression.

I set my fork down and said, "Well, I went back to Australia to see if I could fix my parents memory after I Obliviated them." They all looked at me sympathetically as I continued, "Turns out I couldn't. That sort of affected me and I wanted to change myself into a different person. You know after all those years of being bullied about my hair," I touched a rainbow left braid and they stared at it in awe, "and teeth," I smiled as they looked at my teeth, "and my figure." They all looked at my body and I blushed as Freddie said, "stop looking at her like that."

"Anyways, yeah, I wanted to change so I stopped reading, and I picked up a broom and taught myself to ride and play quidditch--" Everyone at the table gasped.

"You can play!?" Ron asked.

"You can ride a broom!?" asked Harry.

"You stopped reading?" asked Fred and George at the same time.

"Can you show us?" asked Ginny.

I looked at Molly Weasley and she nodded a sympathetic smile and I got up and dragged them all outside. I picked up my firebolt and everyone stared in awe. 

I got on my broom and soared as high as I could and flew in figure eights as they all gasped.

I flew down and got off as everyone were demanding questions on how I learned so quickly and so well. I smiled with pride as everyone surrounded me.

That was until three owls came into sight. Hedwig, (Everyone and every animal who died except for Voldemort still lives) Hermes, and my owl, which was a white owl that was speckled with black dots. I named her Minerva.

"Minerva?" I shouted over the wind.

"Hermione, you've got an owl?" asked Harry.

"Yeah, her name is Minerva, but what's she doing here?" 

All of the owls delivered our letters as Minerva sat on my shoulder and I opened mine.

Dear Hermione Granger,

We are pleased to inform you that we will be redoing 7th year since the Wizarding War so rudely interrupted it. There will also be a resorting in houses, since the war has changed a few students in the past year. We hope you will take the opportunity of becoming our HeadGirl, seeing as you have all of the qualities of taking control.


Headmistress  Mcgonagall

I gasped and put on a smile as I read the date of when we were going back. 


"Tomorrow!?" I said in shock.

"Well, she probably sent these out last week and we just got them." Fred said.

"Well you know what that means. Time for bed, you must be awake early in the morning." Mrs. Weasley said.

We all groaned and she said, "Oh, calm yourselves. Hermione you will be staying in Ginny's room. Okay, hun?" She asked with a smile.

"Of course, Molly." I said politely.

Ginny smiled and grabbed my hand and led me into her room. Both of us giggling on the way.

"Goodnight, Hermione!"

"Goodnight, Ginny." I smiled.

We all went straight to our beds and slept quietly and soundly. 

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