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Dumbledore's P.O.V

Hello, my young witches and wizards. I have simply retired from Hogwarts to have a "vacation." Teehee. (I'm actually living in one of Minerva Mcgonagall's cabinets in the Headmaster's office.) I must simply say, having these cameras around were quite a joy to achieve.

I can't help but smile at two of my favorite students flirting with each other without knowing.

It is impossibly adorably outrageous.

But of course Pottah is still my favorite. What a cute little suck up. Nonetheless I admire his sass. 

I turn on the muggle radio in time to hear a "pop" song. These musical instruments sure are something of the sort. I snap my fingers and tap my foot. Well, I must get going, as much as I wish to celebrate my ship coming together, I must leave.

So long, munchkins. 

3rd Person P.O.V

Draco wakes up and looks next to him to find Hermione Granger still out cold, hair sprawled over her pillow. He slowly reaches out to touch her cheek but pulls back quick. 

He didn't know what was happening to him. The tingly feeling in his heart, and the changed view on muggleborns. He wanted so desperately to get back to hating Hermione Granger but his heart and mind wouldn't allow such a thing.

He let Hermione sleep and walked into the bathroom to have his shower. His platinum blonde hair drenched and now clean. When he was done he walked into the bedroom in nothing but his towel, muttering under his breath as he walked in. He had forgotten his clothing to change into.

Hermione was still sound asleep as Draco sighed in relief. He really didn't need embarrassment today. He got dressed in his boxers as he heard Hermione stirring awake.

Hermione Granger woke up and looked straight at Draco. Her eyes widened at the sight of shirtless Draco and her hair started to change into a pink tint. Her face as red as a tomato.

"Like what you see, Granger?" Draco asked, smugly.

"Y-you wish, Malfoy." She whispered.

He pulled on his shorts with the smug smile still on his face. He left his robes to the side since he won't be needing them until class starts on Monday. He reached for his red polo shirt and shrugged it on effortlessly as Hermione sat in the bed still shaken up from her morning view.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." He laughed.

"Shut up, ferret." And she walked out with her bag on her shoulder and her nose in the air.

Draco's laugh turned into a scoff as she started to dress herself in the bathroom.

Draco's laugh turned into a scoff as she started to dress herself in the bathroom

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Her hair (Imagine it with crazed colors)

Her hair (Imagine it with crazed colors)

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A Very Malfoy Type Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now