July 19th, 2005

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I must admit, there are some good things about independent life as well as some bad.

For good things, I have control over my own life. I realized, even if my family wants and demands that I become president of the United States, what can they do about it? I'm all the way in Boston, and I no longer need their financial support. That's the biggest thing I'm happiest about, of course. I never really liked the thought of going into a political field, it seems repetitive and like a contest between who has the most wealth, not actually who's good for the country's state. While, yes, this may seem like a good reason to go into politics, who's to say that I'm the one to become in charge? And who's to say I can't help society in other ways.... right? I don't know. I'm not a bad person for this- I mean, I at least hope so. I plan on getting my master's in a science field that suits my interests... Maybe physics. But it's definitely going to be science.
Anywho, while that is the biggest and best thing about being independent, there's also a bunch of other little things I enjoy about it, too. My own music, my own clothes, my own ROOM. It's so insufferable to sleep with a twelve year old who still wets the bed and has feet like ice. Besides, if I wanted to bring girls home, I would have to do it in the room shared with two other brothers, one who's still young and into toys and one who's a pig, and I'm pretty sure that's a turn off for women. Not that I ever brought a girl home, I just simply never had the chance, not that I was unattractive or anything.

But I must admit, it's a bit lonely here without my family. I wake up every morning and expect to get into a fight with my brothers over who has the last pancake and waking up to the other side of the bed all scrambled due to Dewey, but it's just so... Empty. It won't be for long. I'm considering getting a roommate if I don't get a girlfriend first. Someone to split the rent with, y'know, not a big deal. In the meantime, I know this is going to sound childish and downright stupid, but I found a stuffed Pikachu that must've accidentally fell in my luggage of beddings, and I put him in my bed as a quick replacement... It's getting a bit lonely here, alright? I like Pokèmon. Not to mention, without mom here, I'm the one who has to be in control of my own self control, which I'm apparently terrible at. So far, I don't think I've had one decent meal, I've been watching Friends all day (this show is terrible, but there's not much else on my cable), and I only have two clean pairs of clothes left. It's the first time I've had the ability to do whatever I truly wanted, it's difficult to do the responsible thing. Don't worry, I will do it though, I always make responsible choices.

I've met one of my neighbors. Her name is Amanda Yob, and I've also met her husband, Leo Yob. Amanda is nine months pregnant and about ready to give birth, but she seems sort of... how would I put this lightly? Un-mother like. She drinks and smokes despite her pregnancy, and her husband is even worse. I only saw him smile once, and that was when I accidentally bruised my arm on my doorknob. The two of them seem real in love, though. In fact, Leo threatened me with death when I told Amanda she seemed like she's a friendly person, saying that I was hitting on her and planning to do things with her. Apparently he carries around a six inch pocket knife. I'm also assuming they're the horny neighbors I've been hearing.
...I really hope they move out before she gives birth.

I have yet to meet my other neighbor, but that one seems nicer already. I know it's at least one woman who listens to a lot of Queen. One thing I know is that she has a good taste in music.

I hope my life gets a little better once I start college, then I'll meet new friends and finally become popular on campus without my family around. It's gonna be awesome.

[NOTES: I hope this was alright! Just a little insight on Malcolm and his new life. Sorry if it's out of character. He's gonna meet someone interesting in the next chapter! Please leave honest reviews?
Also! Should I use less vulgar language while writing this? Malcolm grew up in a family who swears like sailors, I assume, but at the same time he uses a lot of flowery words in his writing.
One more thing, I will be adding trigger warnings onto chapter that need it! You will see them up top with *TW - (content). This is to make sure everyone is comfortable if you decide to read this!]

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