What a Bitch

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You should listen to this song when your in your sad hours

Author POV
Later that night Jungkook left home but before leaving he left a note for taehyung to find It was now 8 and taehyung still hasnt woken up well you see he is a late sleeper usually jimin came and woke him or mother but his mom leave early for work so where is Jimin? Taehyung finally woke up around 9 "ugh" he groans (A/N rough night taehyung 😏) he slowly open his eyes just to get a bright sunlight in his eyes he then looked at the clock just to see he is late "shit I'm late why didn't jimin wake me up" he tries to get up just to fall back on bed he remembers what happened last night and shade of pink cross his face "holy shit I had sex with Jungkook" he said he gets back up again and is now limping "gosh so rough I hope no one knows I'm limping" he says walking to the bathroom to take a shower not even worried about the note on his desk or being late to school. Taehyung gets out the shower and put some clothes on he wears tight black skinny jeans with a red flowing shirt and white Jordans now off to school he went

Taehyung POV
I make to school just to see jikook kissing it hurts but I have to remember they are together so I go over to the rest of the group but before I can say something I get stop by hand on my waist I turn around and its my art friend bogum " Hey" he says nervous?? "Hey bud" I say while patting his chest " So Taehyung I was wondering if you have plans this Saturday" he says while shaking "No i dont have anything to do why" i asked with my eyebrows raised "i wondering if you would like to go out sometimes" " On a Date" I asked not really up for it "yeah if you want" "your so sweet but sorry not really up for it you know" I say while kissing his cheek and gave him a sorry look while walking to the rest of the group " hey y'all" they all say hey accept for jimin which is really strange first he didnt wake me up now I dont get a hello whats his problem "Hey jimin" I say waving "Hi" he say kinda rude I was shocked but let it slide I sit down and with my head down i look up and see jimin kissing jungkook whiling staring at me I could tell Jungkook was uncomfortable so I said something I know I shouldn't say but fuck it he is really ticking me off "Jimin what your problem" I say while getting stare at by the group " what do you mean" he looks at me kinda mad that ruined there 'moment' "first you didn't wake me up like you always do I was almost late then you gave me a kinda rude hi like jimin if I did something tell me" I say trying not to spazz out "taehyung are really mad that I didn't wake you up" he says while rolling his eyes " No but I mean your my best friend your acting so cold to me" I say while standing up " why are you standing up huh going to hit me you know why I'm mad cause your slut you will fuck every boy in this school except for mines but your not SHIT!!!" he says while yelling now everyone attention is on us gosh I just want to cry I can't believe that all I could do was just stare at him him in shocked and I could tell not just me was shocked being the bigger person I am I walked away not before saying "Fuck you jimin" I say while putting up the middle finger.

Jungkook POV
I couldn't believe what I was hearing jimin was acting like a real bitch calling Taehyung names like that in front of everyone then I heard taehyung say "fuck you jimin" while putting the middle finger I mean I cant blame him I feel bad for him as Taehyung left I heard whispers saying 'Omg jimin is rude' ' I feel bad for taehyung' 'I can't believe jimin did that I thought they where best friends' jimin sat down with his head low "Jimin what the fuck is wrong with you what did taehyung do" jin says while looking more pissed then me "I'm sorry but I couldn't control myself" Jimin says while looking at the table then all the teachers told us class now I wasn't going to class since I was worried about taehyung I told jimin what he did was wrong I was so mad I didnt give him a kiss. I go down the hallways I didnt look everywhere and still didnt see him I checked the bathroom nothing the only place left is the roof top so I go to check there and there he was sitting on the edge of the roof I hear crying gosh it hurts so much to see him like that "Taehyung " I say in a whisper so slow as I'm walking to him and sit by him he flinch "Its just me hyung" he looked with puffy red eyes face "why are you with me shouldn't you be with jimin" he says kinda sad " I should be but that really pissed me off he had no rights
Plus your important to me a lot" I say while looking at his beautiful blue eyes "T-hank you, you are important to me to" he says while blushing I just chuckle and wrap my arms around his waist he stiffen for second "Jungkook this isn't right ima slut who fucks everyone boyfriend including you" he says while tears are falling off his face "Taehyung you are not no slut or boyfriend stealing or whatever you are smart and beautiful, kind have really cute miles and Blue eyes Taehyung I'm falling for you hardcore I cant stop" I say while looking into his eyes "Jungkook I'm falling for you to really hardcore I've been inlove you with you since 5 months" he says while sitting on my lap i put my hands on his waist and we stare at each other for so long I can't keep up then I told him "I love you" I can tell he was shocked but eventually says it back "I love you to" then we where leaning very close to eachother "can I kiss you" I asked my lips brushing against his "You don't have to ask" he says while giggling so push my lips on his and shared a perfect sweet kiss it was passionate and I didnt want it to stop gosh I love this man so much I'm sorry jiminie but I fell in love with your best friend

They was caught up in there little moment not noticing someone watching them!!!

Such a short chap i got school.

Who do you think saw them?


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