Pumpkin Blossom

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"Are you sure about this?" Honey asked, still uncertain if she should help. "I mean, we didn't really specify an age limit..."

"Hey!" Ruby protested. "I'm not that much younger. Besides, I drink milk."

"Ruby, you're only fifteen," Honey pointed out, reminding herself that her friend actually was a bit younger than her. Being the leader of one of the top teams at Beacon always made her seem a little older...at least, until someone pulled out a cookie. Or video games. Or comics. Or a cool weapon. Maybe she shows her age more than I realized. "Isn't that a little young to be dating?"

"You don't get to talk to me like that. You are not Yang!" Ruby paused as she realized what she'd just said. "And Yang's not my mom!"

"Yeah, and about Yang..." Honey trailed off, imagining the path of destruction the older sibling might leave behind. "I'd rather not have her knocking down my door for setting you up with someone."

"Don't worry about her," Ruby insisted rather unconvincingly. "Blake showed me the profile she made for me. Obviously, she wants me to go on a date."

"Ruby, she did that as a joke." Unlike with Weiss and Blake, Yang's fake profile for Ruby had been surprisingly accurate. Then again, listing a dessert cookbook as your favorite book was probably more ridiculous than anything she could make up. Also, weapons shops and arcades made for odd choices under the ideal date section.

"Well, the jokes on her, then," Ruby confidently replied. "C'mon Honey. Pleeeeease? For a friend?"

Honey hated to admit how effective her plea proved. Ruby had been Honey's first friend at Beacon and had helped her through that tumultuous first semester. With all the crap Lilly put the team through at the time, plus Smit's whole blow-up at the end, Honey desperately needed someone to keep her spirits up until things finally calmed down.

"Honey, Puh-leaz!"

"Ruby, I–"

"Please. Please. Please. Please." Ruby's repetitive, monotone begging quickly wore on Honey's nerves.

"Okay!" Honey exasperatedly exclaimed, using her Semblance to add a few inches for emphasis.


"One date," Honey answered, holding up a single finger. "That's it. I'll send you on one date. And if Yang asks–"

"I was never here?"

"You found your own date," Honey corrected, eager to distance herself in case big sister came calling later. Yang probably wouldn't fall for Ruby's attempt at lying, but it would likely paint a target on Randi, instead. Her teammate was more than capable of defending herself.

"Thank you!" Ruby cheered, rushing forward to hug her friend. Having secured the promise, she wasted no time adding constraints. "Make it someone good. Close to my age. It doesn't have to be a Huntsman student, but maybe–"

"I've got this, Ruby," Honey assured her. "Maybe leave the matchmaking to the professionals." After all, other than Blake, they hadn't had a single complaint yet. Whitley doesn't count, she mentally noted. After all, Penny seemed to be enjoying herself and Weiss certainly approved. She was just grateful the boy hadn't tried to take advantage of her friend's naivety. If he did anything...ungentlemanly, she'd be having words with the younger boy.

And by that, she meant Weiss would become the youngest Schnee once more.

"Wait, I don't have to wear those stupid lady stilts again, do I?"

"It's your date, Ruby," Honey said. "Kind of up to you. Though you should at least wear a dress." Clemens wouldn't turn her away, but it was expected that their customers look presentable.

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