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Grace approaches the young man, "Hi, sweetie can you please tell me your name and age? Also how do you know Elena here?"

The kid looks at Grace wanting to answer but when he looks over at Elena he knew better. Christian standing watching the kid too knows that look and didn't like where his mind was heading. This was something he thought about in the far part of his mind, for so many years he saw Elena as a friend. If he was being honest with himself he thought she supported him more then his own parents. Only looking at it from his side, when he dropped out of college his parents was hurt and upset. Elena told him it was okay and lend him the start up money, it was like waving candy in a kids face so course you walk her way. At that time he didn't see his parents were hurt because they knew he was capable of so much and feared he was making a big mistake that was going to lead him no where. They were parents being parents basically.

Christian decides to say something to the kid, "Kid I know that look, Elena use to use it on me at the vulnerable age of 15 to keep me in line. Fear is her best friend and number one weapon, but I don't care if you were her kid, your are safe here. There is no way in the world we knowing who she is, will let her take you out of here."

Elena spewing in anger can see him really considering answering their questions.

"Timothy, think twice before you make your choice."

"So your name is Timothy, I'm Christian I see you eyeing the table of food. You know when I did something Elena didn't like she would punish me. Her idea of a punishment would be to lock me up in cage. She also used my fears against me, she knew I had a problem with dark small places. So she would put me in a cage, lock me in a closet and not feed me for a while. Did you do something she didn't like?"

Timothy felt he could trust Christian and his hunger out weighted his fear of his Mistress.

"Yes, my name is Timothy and I'm 14. I'm the son of...."

"You fucking little turd!"

Elena calling him that name she realized was a stupid move but it was to late, Christian had already heard her say it.

Elliott knew Christian didn't abuse women but at the time she wasn't that.

"Shit!..." He jump over a bench he was standing behind and their dad too knew his son.

Elena tried to leave but Taylor wasn't having that blocking her way, still helping keeping Christian at bay.

Christian full of rage with both fist clenched tells everyone he's okay but they knew different.

Ana steps forward putting her hand on his chest, "Babe please, I know your pissed but I promise she will get her just desserts soon. Let's just hear what Timothy can tell us first."

Looking down at Ana he finally relaxes, "I'm sorry Timothy I just lost my head a little please continue."

"John Lincoln is my father but Mrs. Lincoln is not my mother she was my step mother, my real mom died at birth. My dad is away on a business trip and believe I'm with my aunt right now. Also Christian is right, over the weekend Mrs. Lincoln found out that I got a D on a test and as punishment I have only had 2 glasses of water and a few grapes before coming here."

Grace couldn't believe her ears, "What the hell is wrong with you Elena? Mrs. Partridge may you please take Timothy in the kitchen give him what ever he wants."

"Yes Grace, no problem. Timothy honey come with me, let's go stuff your face and fill that belly of yours."

Christian needed some answers, "Taylor I'm good, promise not to touch her. Can you call John not Flynn you know he's still with his wife at the hospital. I'm talking about Lincoln, and let me know when you get him on the phone."

"Christian, you better keep your nose out of my fucking business."

Before Christian could respond it was Anastasia who has reached her limit.

"You are the disgusting piece of shit you had the nerve to call Timothy. You go after my husband again after I helped you, by stopping him from kicking yo ass. Then again knowing you, you might like that shit. Your business became our business as soon as your stink ass stepped a toe into our motherfucking house. I want to make sure your listening and you hear me good you trifling bitch. Nobody was thinking twice about yo old wrinkled ass. We were about to celebrate our union, until you came sticking your nose somewhere it had no business in. You have been no where but in my business since the day I met Christian, now I'm done with the kid gloves. I'm not a man, I'm a grown ass woman so the next time you have something to say or do to me don't use someone crazier then you. Come step to me face to face and be a woman about it, because I damn sure won't back down from finding a pair a stiletto identical to the ones you use to press into a 15 year old boys chest. Only difference is instead of stabbing you in those fake ass breast, I'm going to take both and shove them up your plastic sagging ass and demonstrate what happens to male pedophiles like you in prison."


She sees Grace stepping forward and assumes for some miss thinking she was stepping up to assist her.

"Thank goodness Grace, may you please remove this thugtress out of my face. I have told Christian repeatedly how this girl is just so beneath him. Everything I told you about her is the God honest truth."

"Elena just shut up. I'm going to do you the last kind gesture from this family, but before I do let me say I do remember the whore story but the only truth about it was the name Anastasia. The only way to make that story true would have been to replace her name with yours. You are the one that started out as a high school drop out, working as a server and landed your eyes on a Mr. Lincoln. Reeled him in by spreading your legs as while as others you welcome into your matrimonial bed, but that's the part of your life you think people forgot. Now as my daughter said get the fuck out of our house. Know that even though we don't want this out and that not including Linc's decision when Christian is done talking to him. Karma is still coming to serve you your just desserts I only pray you don't get diabetes and slip into a coma from all the sweetness that's about to come your way. Now get the fuck out.... What's the name you used Ana?"

"Shitty Bitch."

"Ya, Taylor get this Shitty Bitch out my house please Dear."

"With great pleasure ma'am."


"What? It's a very accurate name."

Making everyone bust into laughter and just like that everyone is back to a semi- celebration. Mia and Kate are trying to keep Ana's mind on something else, she's answering their questions but her eyes are on Grace because she has eyes on Christian, who is on the phone with John Lincoln. So they will soon know what he knows if any thing at all.


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