Iron City (S4:E6)

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We sit in the waiting room waiting for any updates on Liam. I'm sitting next to Carl with my head on his shoulder. My dads starts to talk to Lip about a lawyer for Fiona but Lip doesn't pay any attention, he just stares at the doors.

"Are you alright?" I ask Carl. He looks down at me and smiles a small smile.

"Yeah, I just really hope he's okay." He says. I nod in agreement then a nurse comes out.

"Fiona Gallagher?" The Nurse says.

Lip jumps up and says, "Philip Gallagher."

"Is Fiona here?"


"Will she be back?"

"No, not soon. I'm Liams brother."

"Is there another parent or legal guardian available?"

"No. Is Liam gonna be okay?"

"I'm sorry. I really need a responsible adult present to—." But before the nurse could finish Lip speaks.

"Look, my mom is a bipolar drug addict who split years ago, and my dad is a drunk, and the cops just hauled Fiona off to jail, ok? Look I'm the only thing that passes for a responsible adult that you're gonna find. Now, how is Liam?" The nurse finally gives in.

"Your brother came in with a cute cocaine toxicity. Disoriented, hallucinating, and with a dangerously elevated heart rate. He's on Naloxone for his altered mental status and benzodiazepine to control his seizures." The nurse says.

"Seizures?!" Me and Debbie say. The nurse goes on.

"We're monitoring his temperature, his heart rate, and his glucose levels, but he has started to settle down." The nurse finishes.

"Can we see him?" V asks. The nurse shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, only immediate family member's over 18 are allowed in the PICU." The nurse says.

"Go. We'll stay here with Carl, Y/n, and Debs." V says and Lip follows the nurse to Liams room.

❂❁❀ ❂❁❀ ❂❁❀

We sit in the seats and hear the judge give Fiona her bail amount.

$100,000! Who the fuck has $100,000 laying around. That judge can take that money and shove it up his ass.

We walk out and V talks to Fionas lawyer. She said we could also just pay $10,000 but we don't have that either. V turns to Lip.


"Forget it. We don't have it." Lip says, shaking his head.

"We can't just leave her in jail." Debbie says.

"We don't have the money, Debs." Lip says but Debbie didn't give up.

"Well, we can raise it. We can sell stuff and —." That's when Lip lost it.

"No! Christ! Just drop it! Fuck, Debs!" Debbie was shocked for a second then flipped him off and walked away.

"Smooth, asshole. Smooth." Dad said. Lip start to talk to my dad and I turn to Carl.

"That's was something." I say and he nods in agreement. Lip turns to us.

"Carl, Y/n, I want you two to go back to the hospital, all right?" Lip says and we both nod. "Stay with Liam, keep us updated on how he's doing." I hug Lip and V, my dad takes me and Carl to the hospital and drives awake.

❂❁❀ ❂❁❀ ❂❁❀ ❂❁❀

Me and Carl walk into his house. When we do, we see Chuckie sitting on the couch, eating Chicken nuggets, and watching porn on the television. Me and Carl take off our coats and place them on the couch.

"Is Frank here?" Carl asks and Chuckie just shakes his head yes. Carl grabs the chicken nuggets from Chuckie and walks with me upstairs. He eats one and feeds me one too. I walk to the bathroom and Carl goes to check on Frank. When I get out I hear Lip yell, "Carl? Y/n? Yo, Carl?" We both walk downstairs, Carl hands the chicken nuggets back to Chuckie and we walk to the Kitchen.

"Hey, I thought you two were supposed to be at the hospital." Lip says as he takes off his coat.

"Nurse told us to go home." I say as I sit on the counter.

"Frank is upstairs, knocked out on Oxy." Carl says as he sits by me. Lip nods.

"Who's on the sofa watching porn?" Lip asks referring to Chuckie.

"Nephew." Carl says.

"What?" Lip asks confused.

"Nurses said Liam was resting comfortably." I say as Carl grabs a McDonald's bag from the counter.

"No, the nephew." Lip says and points to Chuckie.

"Oh, Frank says he is but he could just be lying to get a liver. We also got a new sister upstairs. She's in the shower." Carl says.

"Jesus. Hey, guys, why didn't you call me before you left the hospital?" Lip asks.

"My phone was dead and Carl's was confiscated by Fiona when he got busted for stealing Slim Jim's from the Koreans." I say. Lip nods.

"You got the money?" Carl asks.

"For what?" Lip asks.

"To get Fiona got of jail." Carl says. Lip opens the fridge and replies,


Carl bites a burger he pulled out from the bag. He motions it towards me and I take a bite.

"So, we're just gonna leave her there?" I ask with my mouth still full. I swallow and Lip opens his beer.

"No choice." Lip says and motions for me to pass him the burger. I pass it to him and he bites it as well. Carl grabs Lips beer and takes a sip.

"Why is the world so fucked up?" Carl asks.

"I don't know." Lip says honestly.

"Everybody's family this fucked up?" Carl asks. Lip looks at me.

"Not everybody's. But a lot of them, yeah. Y/n?" Lip asks.

"Yeah, my dad banged my grandma so that I could get a sibling because V couldn't have kids but now she's pregnant with 3." I say and we all laugh. I was happy I could make them laugh after what has happened to us this week.

❂❁❀ ❂❁❀ ❂❁❀

Liam got out and so did Fiona. I could finally say I was happy for once.


I have 2 other books, a Lip Gallagher x reader and a Shameless imagines book. Please go show those ones some love too.💞💞

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