Chapter 1 - Target: The Strongest Slayer

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     In Pyronia's academy, The headmaster has called in four teams and four slayers for a mission. As everyone was sitting in his office one of the slayers asks: "Why have you called us in?" The Headmaster sighs and explains: "I have called you guy here for a mission, a recruitment mission. I want you to bring me a certain someone." One slayer questions: "Who is it?" The Headmaster smiles before saying: "Pyro Firestorm." The first slayer's eyes widen. One of the students asks: "What's wrong uncle Wade?" Wade walks forward and slams his hands on the headmaster's desk scaring everyone and shouting: "Are you insane? He could seriously hurt the students!" The Headmaster sighs and says: "Ms.Stone, please step forward." a fox animal-person steps forward and asks: "What can I do for you Headmaster Martin?" Headmaster Martin says: "You will be in charge of convincing him. Just bring him here." Another slayer steps forward and inquires: "How are we supposed to bring him here?" Martin smiles before tapping something on his desk. After he does this, all the phones in the room go off and everyone looks at their phone and sees that they have data on Pyro. Student1 says: "Hey Abigail, he looks a little like Adam if he had disgusting scars." Abigail laughs and says: "Yeah you're right Priscilla, I bet only his mother could love a face like that." Wade punches the Headmaster's desk after hearing this and scaring everyone. He looks at them with a terrifying glare scaring them even more before saying: "Don't you dare talk about him like that." Ms.Stone asks after recovering from being terrified: "Why are you acting like this?" Wade calms down by breathing in and out before explaining: "It's because of me he looks like that. it was his last mission and during the fight against an extinction class that had an army. we were against the edge and as I was about to get attacked he pushed me off to save me and fought them alone. he got those scars because of me, and I won't have anybody disrespecting him for them." Priscilla says: "Sorry, uncle Wade." Abigail continues after her and says: "We didn't know." Wade walks over and hugs them and says: "I'm the one who's sorry, I shouldn't have snapped like that." The girls hug him showing they forgive him. Headmaster Martin sighs and says: "That's nice and all but back to business. As you can see from the data I sent you, he has two kids with him, keep them out of the crossfire." One of the male students says: "For being a hero, he certainly doesn't look like much." Headmaster Martin chuckles and says: "Don't judge a book by its cover. Now one more bit of information the data details his entire day because he has been following this pattern for three months now. In about three hours he will be in a park with the kids eating ice cream, the name of the park is in the data as well. You guys will leave in half an hour. Good luck. Also, be sure not to be stupid enough to attack the kids." everyone nods and leaves the office.

     Later in the park, a man is buying three ice cream cones. The man is wearing a red jacket, with a red t-shirt, and black pants, and shoes, with an orange baseball hat, with a scar going from ear to ear, and one going down the right side of his face, as well as two diagonal cuts one of each hand going from the index knuckle to the wrist, he has red hair and his right eye is red. After paying for the ice cream, he goes and sits down next to two kids One a boy and the other a girl, and hands them a cone. The kids say in unison: "Thanks, papa." The man says: "No problem, now eat up and enjoy." The kids smile as they eat their Ice cream and sit with their father. While they were eating there Ice cream The man felt like they were being watched. The boy looks at his papa and asks: "You're worried about the people watching us right?" the man nods to confirm his actions. The girl says: "I'll hand you your weapons when we finish our ice cream." The man smiles and pats her heads and says: "Thanks, sweetie." The girl smiles at her and goes back to eating her ice cream. After a bit, the man finishes his ice cream and the girl hands him a trunk and he gets up and sets it on the ground and opens it revealing two katanas. he pulls them out and hangs them around his waist then stands up and says: "Alright, I know you're there so come out." Two groups of seven came out of woods on his right and left side. He laughs and says: "Cute, he sent children to come after me." He looks at them and sees a few familiar faces until his eyes fall on someone he knows all too well and says: "It's good to see you, old man." This ticks the guy off and he says back: "I'm not an old man!" Two girls and the adults laugh at his reaction. The man sighs and says: "It's good to see you again Pyro." Pyro smiles and says: "It's good to see you too, Wade. Now, what do you guys want?" A fox animal person steps forward and says: "My name is Claire Stone, and we want to talk with you about coming with us." Pyro sighs and says back: "No, now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of stuff to do. Let's go kids." The kids stand up and get ready to leave when one of the students shoots at them. Everyone looks in horror at the student that shot. Wade grabs the student and yells at him: "Why the hell did you shoot at them?" The student says: "We were told to bring him to the Headmaster." Wade sighs and says: "True, but you just signed our death warrants with that stunt." The student has a confused expression until he looks at the kids and sees Pyro standing there with one of his swords drawn. Pyro sighs and says: "I was planning on hearing you out, but now that you've attacked my precious kids I'm afraid I'll have to kill you. Don't worry, only the moron that shot at them dies." His eye starts glowing and he vanishes and reappears holding the student by his throat. Everyone was shocked by his speed except for Wade and the kids. Priscilla says: "Holy crap, I didn't even see him move." Pyro smiles before asking: "Now how shall I kill you?" Not hearing the student say anything he sighs and raises his sword to the student's heart and was about to pierce it when the little girl says: "Papa, no killing." Pyro sighs and drops the student and says: "Fine, I'll just make it to where he can't be a hunter." The student lifts his head a bit and asks: "What do you mean?" instead of answering Pyro places his left foot on the student's right shoulder and in a fluid motion shatters it with a sickening sound. the student lets out a scream of pain as Pyro walks back to his kids. Everyone stands in horror as the student scream out, petrified by fear. before Pyro reaches the group the student passes out. Once pyro reaches the kids he kneels and asks: "Are you two okay, you weren't hurt were you?" They shake their heads while smiling giving him his answer. He stands up and says emotionless: "He will never be able to use his arm again, even if I healed him. Let this be a lesson, don't hurt my kids." Everyone but Wade fell to their knees after he finished his sentence. He looks at Claire and walks over to her and holds out his hand and says: "A girl like you shouldn't be on the ground." She blushes a little and hesitates but takes his hand allowing him to help her up. Pyro looks at the faces and sees the horror in their eyes before sighing and sticking his hand. everyone looks at him and wonders what he is about to do. A giant circle with a flame insignia appears. He says: "Flame come out and help me." A pillar of fire rises to the sky and red eyes shine through scaring them even mare and making them cower. The pillar breaks apart revealing a giant phoenix that asks: "What do you need help with?" Everyone was taken aback by this except the kids as they smile and say in unison: "Hi Flame." Flame turns her head towards the kids and says: "Hello children." Pyro snaps getting Flames attention and says: "The moron over there needs healing, and I don't want to waste that power on him." Flame nods and flies towards the student and lands near him. Flame comments: "you sure did a number on him." After finishing her sentence she shed a tear that lands on the student and makes another sickening sound as it heals. After a few minutes, the student wakes up and looks at his arm and starts to move it a bit and sees that it's healed. Everyone watches in shock and then look back at Pyro in confusion. Flame chuckles before asking: "What did he do to make you shatter his shoulder?" Pyro says while smiling: "He shot at the kids." Flame's eyes widen upon hearing this and says: "I'm going to eat him." Pyro gives a small wave as Flame was about to eat him but then the little girl says: "No killing." Flame stops in her tracks and looks at the girl's expression. She looks at Pyro who just shrugs and nods and disappears. The student who shot at the kids was so scared that he passes out from the event. Pyro sighs and crouches to look at the girl and asks: "Are you happy?" She smiles and states: "Yes." Pyro smiles and says: "Good, now I have a question for you." the little girl sighs and motions with her hand for him to ask. His expression changed to one of annoyance and he asks: "How am I supposed to release my pent up anger?" She holds up five fingers confusing everyone and starts counting down with them. When the final finger goes down the siren goes off saying: "We have an apocalypse class feral heading this way, I repeat we have an apocalypse class feral heading this way!" Pyro sighs and stands up while saying: "I hate your ability." She smiles and says: "At least you love me." Pyro sighs once again and says: "Yes I do. take everyone to the house I'll meet you guys after I kill this thing." She goes to lead them away but turns around and asks: "Do you want your other swords?" He draws his swords but they have a different look to them. Claire asks: "What happened to your swords?" He stares at the what remains of the blades and responds: "In my last mission they broke in half. After killing a feral with the broken sword I found out they break even more. After so many kills, they're like this. I figure I have about two more kills before they become unusable." He looks at the kids and says: "Get them ready for tonight." The kids nod and take everyone to the house except for Wade and Claire. Pyro looks at them and says: "I wanted all of you to go." Wade smiles and hugs him while saying: "Is that any way to treat your uncle?" Pyro smiles and hugs him back saying: "Hi uncle, it's good to see." Claire stands there with a confused look on her face. Pyro and Wade separate and turn to Claire. Pyro removes his hat and changes his eye and hair to the color he uses with his family. He smiles and says: "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Adam Hunter also know as the legendary slayer and hero Pyro Firestorm." Claire asks: "You're Abigail's and Priscilla's brother?" Pyro says: "Adopted brother, but yes." Claire's face grew more confused before Pyro says: "I'll explain everything to you once we get back to the house. Right now, I have a feral to slay." Claire nods in agreement as Pyro's hair and eye change back to red and he puts his hat back on. He smiles and says: "I'll meet you guys there when I'm done." Wade and Claire nod and go to catch up with the others while Pyro heads towards the feral. Pyro uses his flames to reconstruct his blades and starts running so he can stop it before it destroys anything. While Claire and Wade were walking Claire asks: "When you explained how he got his scars earlier, you were lying weren't you?" Wade says instantly: "Yep. He'll tell the story later." Claire hesitates to ask but does anyway: "Are you going to tell everyone?" He responds quickly: "No, I've kept this secret since he was thirteen, and I'm not going to tell them now. The truth will be revealed soon until then, let the story play out." Claire nods agreeing to let it play out.

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