Chapter 1

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The laundry shoot opened up to the musty room, bringing in a gust of fresh air for young Imogene. She waited patiently as the small meal slide down onto the floor in front of her.

"Thank you, Mother!"

"You're welcome."

Imogene picked up the meal and walked it over to her small table. The same meal she had had for as long as she could remember sat in front of her: bread and a bowl of mushroom soup. Dunking the bread into the familiar soup, Imogene planned out her day, scrawling the schedule onto scrap paper.

"I can read that book again, and draw that picture I was gonna start on..."

Her voice trailed off as she vigorously wrote out her schedule, which consisted of reading, writing, and drawing. Finishing her soup, she picked up her only notebook and began to write.

"The sun and the moon and the sky and the people; all so close, and yet, so far. I could go out and look if I desired, but I stay in here; daydreaming about what they might look like. But what if it's not what I thought it was going to be? What if everything is green, or blue? Or maybe the colors would be so vibrant my poor eyes couldn't take it all in quick enough? And the people. What if they look nothing like me? What if the have white or gold hair? I guess I'm just unsure. Maybe mother will come down the stairs and reveal herself to me and say, 'Come daughter, lets go see the world.' And we'll go together. She says to me 'Daughter, there is nothing worth seeing out there! Where do you get these ridiculous ideas from? You're going to have to stay in here, and you know it. If you want to stay with me, you can't leave.' I must be kept down here because she told me that the 'high-up' people didn't want her to have a third child. But does she not understand how hard it is to not know what's past these walls?"

{Hey everyone! This chapter is very short, and I apologize. I am using this as sort of a trial to see if people enjoy reading it. If you like it so far, let me know and I'll continue. Thanks!!!}

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