Victoria: All before lunch

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Hamblise's car swerved on the road as it thundered pass the staring pedestrians who were in wonder. Obviously, Hamblise's driving had caught their attention. Victoria was used to Hamblise's driving. It was the most reckless driving out of all of the four but it seemed to get to a certain location the fastest. A tight drift later and the blue Toyota Corolla was parked hastily on someone's lawn. Hamblise marched out like some kind of Russian soldier with the pocket watch in hand as Victoria followed. Their hideout where they hid to take down the kings was in ruins. In those ruins was a blonde haired girl and a scrawny asian boy. 

"Hey", said the asian boy called Matayo. He was obviously addressing the greeting to her and Hamblise.

"Hey", replied Hamblise as he showed the pocket watch to Matayo and Sarah, "have you got the holograph?" Victoria only gave a slight wave to the two as she walked up to catch up to Hamblise. She wasn't one for speaking.

"I got it", said Matayo as he held the pocket watch's light to the holograph. The two holographic images joined up to make an odd structure of some sort. 

"Do you think that's where one of the kings are hiding?" asked Sarah. Victoria despised the kings greatly. They were the self proclaimed governors of the world. They took people's property, made random killing contests and destroyed random countries for each of their cause. No one had tried to stop them as anyone who tried had been taken down hard. Elite squad after elite squad, obliterated in front of her eyes. It was just them four left. There were three kings in total. If her team could take down all three kings, the world would be a safer place.

As she was deep in thought, Victoria heard a clunk of metal and a strange whirring noise. 

"Um... guys", she said catching the others attention to the rare voice they rarely heard. In front of them, stood a large mechatronic coated in a rustic brown colour. It had two large arms and hands  covered in steel plates. It's body structure looked sturdy and in it's visor stared an empty black void. Vines were hung from the top of the mech giving it an ancient sort of feel that Victoria didn't like.

"It's not everyday we see one of these big boys", said Matayo. Sarah gave him a quick glare and took out a rocket launcher with an explosive loaded in. She aimed it at the mech's head and released the trigger. A second later, an explosion occurred at the mech's visor and it stumbled back.

"Attack positions", cried Sarah as she threw the smoking rocket launcher away. Hamblise took out an assault rifle and crawled behind a parked car, Matayo took out a long metal staff and Victoria stood on the street while withdrawing a small pocket knife. Sometimes, Victoria questioned why she joined the group but in the end, she never gave it that much thought. Hamblise started firing as Sarah joined him with shots from a handgun. The shots bounced aimlessly off the mech as it swung it's arm at the two. They moved just in time as a car was uplifted and thrown to where they previously were. Victoria faced forward and snuck behind a tree as she saw Matayo climb up the mech like a spider monkey. She watched him mindlessly yell before making a move. Victoria crept to the mech's foot where a mark of a eel was imprinted on the murky metal. Adam's symbol. Victoria looked up to see Matayo mercilessly electrocuting the mech on it's shoulder with his staff as Hamblise rushed to her side. He took a few shots before Victoria stepped in front. 

"I don't need your help", she said as she tore apart the symbol of the eel off the mech. Behind every single one of the symbols of the kings' mechs they would have a control panel that could switch the mechanical creations on and off. Sarah helped pull off the eel symbol as Hamblise ran off to distract the mech's attention. With a horrifying screech, the piece of metal was pulled off and a set of red wires was revealed. Grabbing all the wires in hand, Victoria grabbed her pocket knife and sliced.

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