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Chapter 1-1: Beckoning
Gray clouds loom over a blackened sky, as blood rains ferociously from the heavens. The clouds are masked in smog as a shattered moon spins at a hyperbolic rate. Purple light escapes the cracks of the destroyed earth as millions of bodies lay scattered. There stands only one man, the high priest of the palace in which he lived. He began to write down in a emerald tablet, the knowledge he had gained and witnessed from the horrible act who had destroyed the land. He falls to his knees upon the black and white checkered floors of the palace, and prayed for forgiveness. He took a death breath and then began to write

Before the fall of men, It was the fall Of God's, Led by one simple minded imp. This Imp was known as beckon, for he was the beacon of all destructive forces. The sea was laid to waste by the slightest touch from the gargantuan amount of chaos, etched into his hollow skin. The blood of his people stained the smile he bears, for now he hides it with the mask of which was carved from his mothers bones. The tendons still drip with wretched puss as he violently chuckles and dances around the corpse of his disemboweld prey. This Cyclops of a child, caused the pure destruction of everything in sight. Stay far away from the masked child, or everything you ever loved in any lifetime, will perish. The imp, brought us in with the most horrific of cries.. Sorrow at the core of ones soul. Begging And tearing at his face, begging it all to stop. He was speaking to himself, saying how he couldn't leave it alone... This child.. Is the raw incarnation of the devil's fears. If anyone receives this, please warn the planet about this demon, and prepare for rapture.

"Such a lovely note you have written" Scoffs Beckon; Is this truly all about me.. You have touched my heart... I owe you my life.

Accept my gratitude and allow my blade to shred your throat, for your writing truly has excelled past anything your simple mind will... Muster up. That is, unless you would rather preach your word to the world.
The decision is yours. Says beacon with the up most confidence

The priest who was carving the message into the emerald tablets was struggling to crawl away. The fear in his heart left his body beyond stiff. As if seizures took upon his body, to be the only moment, from the intense strain of the struggle. 5 broken ribs, a fractured shoulder, all from one single strike from this behemoth. Anger it more... Or devise a plan to truly save this world.

Times up! Giggles Beckon, and in the blink of an eye, he vanished. A warped image of his figure lingered but slowly faded away in the wind in the matter of a heart beat. A slight tilt of the priest's head, has his throat resting on a blade.. And to his surprise, in front of his own son.

You dare take your fathers life! You d- d-dare To smite the all great priest! Have you been conspiring with the monster, that wretched beast, th-

HEY, THAT'S RUDE. just because you see your sons face, it doesn't mean that it's actually your son. Beckons throws down the pile of flesh in the priests lap, to reveal the fate that has came upon his son.

The loudest scream echoed throughout the palace walls, yet everybody who was within the palace during the time of retribution, had been massacred.

Kill me, just please end my life oh great one. My soul is yours forever and you will be linked, take my flesh and bind my soul, drink, eat my heart and blacken our sun. For I am the tide of the moon. So kill me now.

As beckon quickly pulled the knife across the skin of the priest, the blood sprayed all over the ground in what looked like rain. It was truly satisfying to the imp. Ever so slightly raising his mask to taste the holiest of all waters, beckon was pleased. Turning to walk away and finish the rest of the lands people off, the imp heard the priest utter something through the gargling of blood.

Vanished in a instant, to levitating above the priest, he gazes into his eyes, slowly getting closer and closer. Nothing seems to give a sign of life, so confusion struck the imp. Then suddenly his mask was grasped and the priest uttered
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Hear me, O Thou Firelord Ankh
Come to Me by the Powers of the Word Firelord Ankh
And answer my urgent prayer!
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