Chapter 1

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Hello random person! Curious? Let me tell you more about myself! There is nothing special in my life, but I know you are a friendly person, so i'm going to tell you more about me. Let's start this story.

Today was my 13th birthday, and guess what? My parent's gift was a notebook. A sweet and cute little notebook. Believe me or not, I love to write. When I got this notebook I was so happy, I could have cried! Inmediately, I started to write these words.

Most of the gifts my friends and family gave me were clothes, accesories,  things I could play with like toys. My friends (Sarah and Coraline) though my notebook was cool, they said that I should have told them earlier that I liked to write, and we started laughing.

I was going to continue to write my story when my mom told me, "Sweetheart, rest a little bit, okay? Don't write too much, your hand will hurt", "Okay, mommy, i'm going to finish this page and I will rest", I said. And then I did so, I rested because I did not want my hand to hurt.

It was 9:30pm o' clock, so I went to bed. I usually go to bed earlier (at 9:00pm o' clock) but since I was writing in this dear notebook, the time passed and I did not know it was too late. I usually dream weird things like anyone else; one time I dreamed about a black hole that came to my room and took everything! I was so upset when I woke up, until I saw it was only a dream.

It would be impossible for that to happen in real life! I went back to sleep, really happy. All of my other dreams were peaceful. School started at 8:00am and ended at 2:00pm. I usually hangout in weekends, because from Monday to Friday, I like to stay at home to write and read.

My best friends Sarah and Coraline, like to come to my house to read books and help me out writing my books. Believe me, I write books, but just for fun. I have not published any of my books, no one is finished.

But, when I finish my first book, I will publish it, not for being famous or have lots of money selling the copies of my book, just because I do what I like to do. My favorite school subject is Language Arts, and I also like my school club; Creative Writing.

I love to go to this club, and I never missed a class. Ms. Gustafson helps me a lot with my stories, she says that my stories are great but I need to have pictures to make my story creative and entertaining. I have Creative Writing Club on Tuesday's and Thursday's.

In the other days, I play some video games with my friends, and we talk to each other about what we do in the week, tells us secrets and funny moments. We play "Would you Rather?" and "Truth or Dare?", we always make funny and innocent dares and questions, no one get's hurt.

My friend's and I live in the same condo, "Celestial Condos". We can go to each other's house whenever we feel to hangout. I live in house 87, Sarah in the 68 and Coraline in the 92. Coraline's house and my house are nearly together, while Sarah's house is a little bit further.

Our Condo is REALLY BIG, and when I mean REALLY BIG is that is massive! It has 300 houses, and for me that's incredible! We have a park with a playground for little kids. Walking by all the condo takes lots of time, and my friends and I tried to do this. We arrived at Coraline's house (the nearest one) exhausted!

It was a good exercise, but I won't do it anymore! Speaking about exercises, I go to "Dance All Life" academy! The teacher teaches me Hip-Hop, because i'm terrible at ballet and other elegant dances. I do not know how ballerinas dance, but they have like a magical spell or something, dancing like that is impossible.

Sarah goes to "Sports Fever", she is great at football. Coraline also goes to "Sports Fever" but, she plays tennis. I only go to "Sports Fever" to see my friend's play or play some basketball when I have nothing to do. Well, what do I say? I told you, my life is pretty normal, nothing interesting in here.

Thank you for reading "Lya Moonlight's Life", this is the end of Chapter 1!
See ya in Chapter 2! :3
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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