.:Chapter 10:.

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"So pack your bags princess, we are heading out, now.." The cloaked man said.

"N-no I will not!" I said making myself sound big unfortunately failing. "Oh really, what are you going to do then, you little puny girl.." He started and his grip became more and more tighter in the process. I gasp.

"Now do you agree, that you are weak?!" He said while a crazed laugh. "N-never!" I stutter shouted. "Why you-" He was cut off by another guy..

'Just my lucky.. There is already one jerk.. And now there is the second one.. Now! The probability of have a third one is 50% or something..' I thought as the two started to yelled at each other.

"You guys enough!" Another one said but it sounded like someone.. 'Damn, I was right!' I thought sweat dropping. "But Lis-" The first one said. "You idiot! Don't said her name!" The second one said. "Enough fooling around. Bring the girl and lets go, NOW!" The third one said, very unhappy of them.

The first and second one sighed and muttered something. Soon the first one grabbed me as my eyes suddenly felt blurry as they closed.

All I could hear was my friends screaming loudly, especially Natsu. All I could muttered to them was "I.. Will be.. Fine.." And with that, I fell in a deep sleep.

#-#_#Time Skip#_#-#

I finally woke up from my deep sleep as I stared at the never ending ceiling. I got up but I felt weird, like I am being stalked this very moment. Then..

"Hello, I am Shin Acura.
Okay kiddo, to be a Saboteur, you need proper teaching and I know you aren't from Acura village. But I have been hired to teach you self defence techniques. Is that alright with you?" Shin said.

"First you need to learn acrobatics, Iron Blood Transformation, swordsmanship, strategic planning, stealth and reconnaissance. Alright?" He stated.

"You have to be extremely fit, you also need to be trained as a saboteur having above average strength, speed, instincts, reflexes and stamina. Even when injured, you have to able to fight effectively for a long period of time.

As part of being a saboteur, you need highly skilled in stealth and reconnaissance. Able to infiltrate enemy forts and sneak past guards with ease, this allows you to fufill stealth missions without being detected. You also need highly efficient in information gathering, scouting enemy locations to find weak points or conversing with locals to gather knowledge without drawing too much attention to yourself.

You need able to perform high level acrobatics which you have to incorporates into your fighting style, allowing yourself to dodge and attack enemies from a wide variety of angles. You also need to able to use it to sneak into enemy compounds through ways most other people are unable to.

A saboteur technique, activated by extreme mental concentration, that optimizes and redefines the user's entire body systems. This allows you to perform inhuman physical feats, such as jumping several meters into the air. The transformation also substantially improves your combat skills and techniques, allowing you to fight against high level opponents. A drawback to using the Iron Blood Transformation is that the technique requires a huge amount of energy. One of the drawback's is that it makes you more susceptible to poison, as the technique improves your respiratory system which would increase the flow of any poison inside yourself.

So that is the basics and level to achieve being a saboteur. Now start training!" He said.

"Well know you know how to use the Iron-Blood technique, just remember to say 'I am steel, steel knows no fear. Steel knows no doubt. When faced with my enemy, I hesitate not. I am a weapon to destroy these. Iron-Blood Transformation!' Okay?"

My eyes snapped open. I seem to be still in the same room.. and I just had a vision too.

'I wonder if I can do that.' I thought as pictured what I am going to say. I took a deep breath but I heard a knife being thrown. I ducked as the knife whisked past my head. 'Oh shit..' I thought as the two hooded people stepped out of the shadows.

"It seems you dodged the first one.." The first one said. "But can you dodge the next?" The second one said as a knife randomly appeared in his right hand.


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