.:Chapter 19:.

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Your POV:

"I wonder who that might be.." I thought out loud quietly as we all turned around to meet two familiar people.

Erza, Wendy and Gray.

Soon as they all saw me, I could feel the uneasiness running through them as they wide eyes staring back at me. "I-is that you, (Name)?" I hear them all ask in different versions of their voices as I just smiled to them and gave them a nod in agreement.

But as I turn my back, I could hear quiet run behind me, knowing a "special" moment was gonna come up. Then small and gentle arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around a bit, as I hugged Wendy back. She's always been that person you can't refuse.

Soon a much warmer hand hugged me. Natsu.. As I move a bit, a feel soft pointy hair. Yep. "Welcome back.." I heard him say to me. "Hmm." I mumbled to his, as I lightly flushed. Though it was ruined by a certain group of teens.

"Y'know Gray, (Name) and Natsu look like a couple. And Wendy's their child." Lucy "whispered" to Gray as we automatically flushed deeply. "Yeah, I can see that in a couple of years now.." Gray "whispered" back. We all let go and stood there blushing at each other. "THEY LOVEEEE EACH OTHER!!" Happy's loud comment was shouted as Erza and the rest were laughing.

"A-anyways.." I said, mumbling. "Minna.. We should get going now." Ezra's irration snapped, because she doesn't want another fight between Natsu and Gray as they stared each other--more like glaring. "Hai!" Those two spoke in high pitch voices. I just smiled as I grabbed my (c) lacrima headphones and my (c) lacrima playlist. Soon I put them on as I played a song. (The video >~>)

After a while--on Erza's sense of direction, we all started towards a large mountain. There was a small town do it.. A lot of tall trees, with long branches that stretches to one tree to another. "Okay, there is a train station down there. And it will--" Erza was cut off by Natsu shouting.

"THE LAST ONE AT THE BOTTOM IS A SMELLY GRAY!!" And with that, he literally left as in the dust, jumping on each tree branch in a breakneck speed. We froze as a few minutes of realization took its tolled. "WHAT WAS THAT CHILLY BREATH!!" And with that, Gray took off following quickly, jumping on the tree branches as he made his way down.

Erza just said as, Lucy and I sweatdropped. Soon Elfman and Romeo jumped too. "NOW THIS IS A TRUE MAN'S GAME!! COME ON ROMEO!!" "Y-yeah.. I'm coming.."

Before I knew it, Lucy poked my arm, making my see what she saw. The once Erza that was hear, caught up with everyone else as Happy flew happily, soaring in the sky. Happy! Help me!

"Welp Lucy, consider it a challenge now?" I said, sweatdropped as she nodded. "Let's go." She said, awkwardly laughing as she carefully jumped, one by one. 

"Let the challenge begin."

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