Chapter One

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Opal's POV


Then the waves crash onto the beach.

That is currently what I hear every day. The constant crashing of waves onto the saturated sand beach. I guess that is what I get for living along the Washington coast.

Living here was fun, until my mother died. Now I am here alone. The loner of the pack. No one really cares for me. Hell, not even my father. Though, I don't think he even knows I am alive. That I even exist.

He is an alpha in Europe somewhere. My mother never spoke about him. Only told me that he was an alpha and that I have alpha blood in me. She warned me to never shift in front of anyone in the pack. I was the size of an alpha, in wolf form. If anyone, especially the alpha, saw me as a wolf. I would probably be killed on site.

He would see it as a challenge to become alpha. Alpha's fight till death in a challenge, then again, death wouldn't be bad. I'm alone, no one to love me, not even a mate. So maybe, if I get desperate and lonely enough, I will shift in front of the pack and have the alpha just take me out. Better my pack than some random rouge. A rouge who would probably have his way with me. Killing me slowly most likely.

I brushed some loose strands of hair from my face looking up into the sky seeing the clouds rolling in. Big, dark grey almost black clouds. Great. Just want I needed, to walk home in a storm.

Sighing heavily, I stood and headed towards my home. I live in a small A frame house at the edge of the pack, or village, to any outsider.

But, my home is cute. Not too big and not too small. Just right for myself.

Walking down the windy trail through the trees. The birds sang back and forth, the squirrels letting out a sound of alarm as I walked by. They all can sense it, they can sense I am a predator. Though, I wouldn't go for something that small. But, I would have to be starving to go for any of the animals that live in the forest. Just because I turn into a wolf, doesn't mean I am a complete animal.

The smell of smoke started to drift in. Not the bad smoke, smoke from chimney stacks in the village. I have mine going, good thing, this storm may knock out the power. Then it will get real cold here.

A warm glow was coming from all the homes. Mostly the elders lived near me, which I don't mind at all. I don't have to worry about children running into my yard all the time. Not that I don't mind children, just wouldn't want them snooping on me.

I turned my attention towards my own home. I smiled seeing that I did leave some lights on. Walking up the porch, I unlocked the front door and stepped inside. Instantly getting hit with warmth and the smell of coconut and vanilla. My two favorite smells in the world besides pine and fresh rain. Which should start coming down any second. I stood near the window watching pack members, mostly the men, move to and from their homes. Probably going on patrols.

Sometimes, I wish I could do things like them. Be able to interact and not be ignored in the pack. I have no friends. My mother homeschooled me. She knew the pack disapproved of her having a child from a one night stand. A child that wasn't from her true mate. She never did find him. She was too busy raising me on her own.

Sighing heavily, I turned and headed into the kitchen to make myself some type of food. Not sure what. Pasta sounded good. Spaghetti it is then.

I love the cook. Its a stress reliever to me. Any type of cooking really. I started at a young age, my mother wanted me to work at the local bakery, but since I staid home when I was a kid and didn't go out with my mother when she would run errands, I never got to know the pack. I could walk through a crowd and be completely ignored.

Its hurtful really, I could run away and no one would know. An elder would move into my home and life would move on in the pack as if my mother and I didn't exist. Only myself and the shaman were at her funeral. I had to bury her myself. Life in the pack is horrible. I've tried to mingle but I've never let into groups or have had anyone walk up and talk with me.

Every now and then, an elder will say hello, but it never goes further than that. Life is meaningless when its dull and gray.

I sighed heavily plating up my food and headed into the living room. I jumped hearing the loud crack of thunder. I looked outside seeing an angry sky. It had just now started to rain. I frowned and looked over turning the tv on to the news station to see if there was any report about this storm.

You know that feeling? That tingle up the spine and your hair standing on end. The goosebumps forming on your skin? The feeling of being watched. That's exactly how I felt right now. My heart started to race in my chest.

Turning, I faced the forest looking out into the trees. I was the furthest house out. If I was attacked no one would know. No one could hear me scream over the rain and thunder. A bright flash and loud thunder made me jump and almost drop my dinner.

Now my heart was seriously racing. Setting my plate on the coffee table, I rushed around my house locking every door and window. I quickly closed all the curtains and turned off as many lights as possible.

Living alone is not the best thing for a female. Its best to make it look like no one lives here. Sitting on the couch, I grabbed my dinner and slowly started to calm down as I ate and watched the news. Sounds like the storm will be over by morning, which is great.

Sighing, I took my empty plate to the kitchen and quickly cleaned it and cleaned up. I walked back into the living room and turned the tv off. Making the room go dark. Good thing I can see in the dark. I turned and headed up the stairs and into the loft.

I changed into simple sleeping clothes. Shorts and a sink tank top. Hopefully the lightening and thunder won't keep me up. Just another day in my boring world.

Sleep came easily for me. Thankfully...

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