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Over and over again. It didn't matter how much he tried, but Eren's messy hair wouldn't stay in place. He finally accepted defeat after what seemed his 47th time trying. He looked at himself in the mirror with a look full of hope.

'At least I look decent. Minus this hair shit mess I've got here', he slightly growled as he straightened up his jacket and for the hot climate, unbuttoned two buttons for air. He looked at his phone and sighed.

'I'm good on time, I think...', he went to look at the email of his appointment at the building for RoSpike. 'Yeah, I think I'll be fine.' He grabbed the messenger bag he got for himself yesterday on sale, and walked out his door, locking it before going down the flight of stairs to the bus station. 'You got this!'


Walking through the doors of the building, Eren was hit with a gentle breeze from the A/C. He was grateful for it, because it saved him from the summer heat.

"Are you the new recruit?", a petite voice asked him as he walked in, and he was awestruck by her. Short (a little over shoulder length) amber hair that faded into a beautiful pink rose going down, and that was very professionally curled so that it didn't look like a Shirley Temple mistake.

'Ohmygosh!!! She's so pretty', he wooed in his mind. 'Maybe I'll get to invite her out if she's not taken by a jealous boyfriend, because she would make a good friend!'

"So Eren", the brunette smiled as she stood from the reception desk, and walked around it to be face-to-face with the other brunette."I'm Petra Ral, a front office secretary. Let's go give you a tour of the building."

"Ok!", the brunette grins as he follows.

"First, you must meet Head Erwin. He is our boss after all", Petra says, leading Eren into an elevator that went all the way up to the last floor. When the doors opened, Petra walked out and led Eren to the very end of the hall where a door with a side gold plaque bore in bold the letters, 'Erwin Smith - Chief Executive Officer'. "So anyways, you're a half-cat...?", she asked while opening the door.

"Oh, I-", Eren had a smile on his face, but lost it as soon as he saw the sight he was welcomed by inside the 'famous' CEO's office. On a rolling chair was a brunette with a high messy ponytail and glasses, wearing a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled. For pants, burgundy yoga pants were adorned with colorful butterflies and red wine, two inch ankle heels were being worn by the brunette. To Eren, the guy would've looked very nice, maybe boyfriend material, but instead he was shocked.

"So that guy there is Hanji, Hanji Zoë to be specific", Petra motioned towards the brunette who was currently face deep into a blond man's butt cheeks, making incoherent sounds, like as if Hanji was an innocent child on their first day of preschool. "That's Nanbaba, the intern", she introduced a blond lady who was currently leaning over from the over of the desk, and sucking off the blond man's dick which was being engulfed by her mouth. And to top it off, "And that other guy is Erwin Smith. Our boss." She then stood on her toes to look over Hanji, "Hey Erwin, I have brought the new member of the Technical Department." With a body that resembled Steve Rogers, but more bigger in size (including the eyebrows), the man was grunting as he laid on top the desk, near the edge, his right gripping the ledge with white knuckles, while the left gripped the collar of the black suit jacket the brunette that was licking his asshole. Shameless, he raised his head, and looked at Eren.

"Good m-morning, Mr. Jaeger. I'm the CEO of RoSpike- '', he stopped to grunt as his arm broke the surface of the ledge he was holding on with his right hand.

'A lion... of course, that's to be expected I guess', Eren thought as he remembered high school. Reiner was the popular guy, even though he was a freshman like him at the time, but just because of his genetics, he was at the top of the school. And he had the rich background to back him up, so whenever there was a party, Reiner would always, always end up paying for something. Even in college. Holding back a sigh, as he remembered the stereotypes and other bs of his race, Eren instead gave Erwin a sympathetic-slash-awkward smile.

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