how the age of hero's fell

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Izuku's POV

I was getting ready for school when I heard the news play on the living room tv. 'I guess my mom is watching the news I mean who else would it's not like my dad is coming back I don't even know who he is' I thought to myself. I walked into the living room to see my mom watching the news 'so I was right go figure' I thought to myself. I looked to see what the news people were saying and then I saw it. Never in my life have i seen something so graphic 'h-how d-did t-this happen and why' i thought to myself with wide eyes  "Izu I think you should stay home today and maybe for the rest of the week" my mom said to me. "Y-yea-yeah may-maybe I should" I stuttered out while looking at the tv. It showed police officers arresting a hero and a villain. "Today on~~~" the tv went on about the event that happened but i did not hear what it was saying because i was so shocked and scared for my life and my mother's life.

"Izu are you ok" my mom said knocking on my door. "Yeah" I said I still could not believe that THAT happened. 'I probably should text my classmates to make sure they got the news' I thought to myself while taking out my phone and going into the group chat for are class.

Class 1-A group chat

Deku: did you guys hear what happened on the news today 2:30 pm

Red riot: yeah it was a tragedy 2:32 pm

Bakugo: who cares they deserved it 2:35 pm

Red riot: bakugo don't you think that's a little harsh 2:35 pm

Chargezuma: yeah kirashima is right your being way to harsh on them what if it was someone you cared about 2:35 pm

Bakugo: SHUT UP dunce face plus no one I care about would be so STUPID to do something like THAT 2:35 pm

Red riot: bakugo one of them was a teacher at U.A 2:36 pm

Bakugo: so what shitty hair I still think they deserved it 2:36 pm

Deku: I don't think they deserved it plus Kacchan on the news today it even said that they might shut down all hero courses because of it 2:36 pm


Ingenium: bakugo it is rude to say something like that to a classmate or anyone for that matter 2:37 pm

Uravity: yeah leave deku alone he was just saying his opinion 2:39 pm

Bakugo: shut up round face 2:40 pm

Red riot: ahem anyway I think we should be talking about the problem at hand 2:40 pm

Ingenium: as the president of class 1-A I think that is a wonderful idea but we should talk about it in person at the dorms where everyone well be at after school 2:40 pm

Deku: that sounds good but I wouldn't be at school this week so can you guys text me what you come up with I'm going to stay at home for the week 2:45 pm

Ingenium: okay as president I well inform you about the details later 2:45 pm

Deku: thank you 2:45 pm

Ingenium: your welcome 2:46 pm


Inko's POV

'I don't think my heart can take this. I don't want my baby going back to UA if there is even a chance that he could get hurt. Before I would let him leave to go to school but because of what happened on the news I don't want him to go. What is he gets sent to jail just because he wants to be a hero and help people or what if he gets killed I don't feel so well just thinking about it.' I got pulled from my thoughts when my baby entered the room. "hey mom are you ok. are you sick you kind of look pale. do you want me to make you some soup?" izu asks me "emm I'm fine but thank you I was just thinking about something that has been worrying me for some time." I said to him he looked at me for awhile probably thinking about something. "are you sure" izuku asks me "yeah I'm fine don't worry about me" I try to reassure him. "o-ok" he said back to me then smiles at me.

(I'm sorry if any of the characters are a bit OOC (Out Of Character))

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