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Alright, today I'll be explaining how ghouls and their powers work. First of all, ghouls look like humans but they feed off of them. By doing this they gain RC cells, by gaining RC cells they get stronger.

Ghouls have kagunes, there are 4 classes of kagunes

They match up well against the ones above and poorly against the ones below them

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They match up well against the ones above and poorly against the ones below them. It's like having four moves in Rock Paper Scissors... But. The kagunes are also ranked, just because the lower ones match up well against some of the higher ones it doesn't mean that they can overpower the ones above them, if a ukaku kagune is ranked above the kokaku then you can bet your ass that ukaku user will win

Owl posseses one of the strongest kagunes known to exist, his class is also ukaku but you'll get more information about that later

Let's list down the weaknesses and attributes of all the types but before we do keep in mind that pretty much every kagune is unique, if we have two rinkaku users you must know that their kagune will be entirely different, this goes for all the classes. The kagunes develops based on the combat experience and imagination. The way a ghouls kagune develops can be changed through living, if you experienced something horrible in your life then that may or may not effect how your kagune develops. And let's get to listing their weaknesses and attributes... We'll start off with kokaku

-High density of RC cell condensation

-Highest sturdiness (Keep in mind that other kagunes may develop to be sturdier, this just means that it's sturdier than the others when you first summon it)

-Good defensive abilities | OK offensive abilities

-Bad speed/Slow (But may develop to be fast)

-Hard to handle/heavy (Unfortunately all of the kokaku kagunes have this weakness)

-Strong against ukaku | weak against rinkaku

-Kagune comes from below shoulder blade


-Powerful regeneration abilities

-Excels at brute strength

-Good offensive

-RC cells bind together easily

-Kagune is brittle, binding force of the RC cells is weak

-Strong against kokaku | Weak against bikaku

-Kagune comes from back area


-Balanced type


-Decent offensive and defensive abilities

-Good speed

-No particular weak points

-Strong against rinkaku | weak against ukaku

-Kagune protrudes like a tail from the tail bone

And Ukaku:

-High chance of ending a battle in short period

-Long ranged and short ranged (Can develop to be mid ranged aswell)

-Amazing offensive | bad defensive (Can develop kakuja armour, I'll say what that is later)

-Light weight and fast asf

-Low stamina | runs out of energy fast (Most ukakus have this weakness)

-Strong against bikaku | weak against kokaku (Again, it depends on the ranking)

-Kagune comes from shoulder area

Now that we are done with that let's explain what kakuja is:

A Kakuja is a kind of ghoul with a transformed kagune that clads the ghoul's body. Though it is rare, it can occur through repeated cannibalism. When a city has a higher ghoul to human ratio (This is very rare because ghouls are only 4% of the globes population), cannibalism is more common due to turf wars and limited food supply.

Sometimes, the transformation is incomplete, and such individuals are called half-kakujas.

It is said that through cannibalism, a ghoul absorbs MORE RC cells, and this increases the concentration of Rc cells within a ghoul's body. If the concentration becomes high enough, it may trigger a mutation and lead to the formation of a new kagune.

A kakuja can further evolve by continuing to cannibalize their kind. Half kakuja's are mostly insane and go berserk after transformation.

Ah, finally. Now it's time for us to talk about our friend Y/N aka the One Eyed Owl

Owl: Sup

As I said owl posseses one of the best kagunes to ever exist, in fact I'd put it in first place. Along with long ranged abilities Owl developed blades and kakuja armour. And I'll explain how, first of all this is how Owl looks like in his kakuja form

He is also way taller than a human being, now let's get to explaining how he obtained this much power and how his kagune overpowers others *Cough*:

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He is also way taller than a human being, now let's get to explaining how he obtained this much power and how his kagune overpowers others *Cough*:

Ukaku ghouls are known to specialize in long-range attacks and can be overwhelmed at a close-range. Having cannibalized ghouls, Owl sharpened and developed his kagune to form two large scimitar blades from his shoulders to counteract this weakness. With two large blades, he can cover the distance between his opponents, parry incoming attacks, and strike back synchronously. While his ukaku kagune extends from middle to far distances, his kakuja cuts down those in front, it is almost impossible to escape Owl's reach. Owl's kakuja kagune also forms a tuff thick mask which is made to hide his face.

And that's about it, there's one more thing to mention. Owl's kakuja can further evolve and become stronger, this isn't his final stage, I hope you'll have a good day/night, the second chapter will be posted soon, cyanide

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