CHAPTER 2: Blooded

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It's a funny thing.

It creates you.
It can control you.

Close your eyes.

Think back.
What is the first thing you remember?

Now open your eyes...

...And imagine it's this!

And imagine it's this!

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...And it's trying to

Fucking Eat

William: Yeah, that's what's going on right now. My name is William, I control the mafia gang also known as "Venomous Reptilians", and currently my man are being slaughtered by the "One Eyed Owl", or so that's what he calls himself. Someone took a video of him where he fell out of a window because of an explosion landed on a vehicle, after which he went up a building and said his "name", the video went viral fast with over 237 thousand views in a single day

He broke down the door

William: Well then, I guess you've come to kill me. If anyone gets to take my life it'll be me

He grabbed his m1911 and pointed it at his head

Owl: Wait, that isn't what I've come here for

William: Sure FEELS like that's why you came here. Killing over 91 people and then breaking down my door, you DO know that we would've let you in if you were to come in like a peaceful sophisticated person right?

Owl: ...

William: Anyhow, what do you want

Owl: I want for you to supply me with money and guns

William: I don't have a choice do I

Owl: Of course not

William: Anything to live I guess...

Owl: You are pretty calm after seeing me, most of the people would be scared shitless

William: I've spent a lot of time doing some shady buisness such as killing innocent people so I'm kinda used to it

Owl: ...Figured as much

William: Hold up, why do you want guns? You are bulletproof and you have enough brute strength to rip people apart

Owl: All though bullets don't effect me they effect you humans

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