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"Hey, did you heard about the 2 faced girlfriend?"

"No. What is it anyway? It seemed popular right now."

"You don't know?! Its Elsa! Who else? What they mean is, Jack and Elsa just became a couple after sooo much trouble right? They loved each other. Or at least they looked like it. Anyway, just after Jack confessed and Elsa accepted, she immediately ran to Draco's side at the first sight."

"Hey, that's terrible!"

"I know right. And they kissed! In front of Jack! Poor Jack. I'm surprised he didn't have a heart attack."

"Yeah I know what it feels like. Cause I've experience it once."

"Really? Tell me about it!"

I tuned them off after that. I can't believe it! Its another rumor! Seriously, do they have cameras here or something or do these girls are everywhere? Seriously, they should stop playing Slenderman. They're becoming one themselves!

My thoughts were interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see a girl from the Slytherin. I think her name was Cana. "Can I help you?" I asked. "Yeah. How about explaining me yesterday's event?" She asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Why do you wanna know? Didn't you already knew enough from the rumors? Are you an apprentice below Rita Skeeter that's working on 'Me, Myself, and I?'" I asked her repeatedly. "Of course not! I wanted to ask directly to you because of Jack." She said. "What? You like him?" I narrowed my eyes. "Of course!" She said. "Then you're my rival and I'm not saying anything." I said stubbornly as I looked away. She huffed angrily before going away.

"Elsa?" I heard someone called me again. "What?!" I yelled. I'm getting frustrated and these people are not helping. "Whoa calm down girl. I'm just asking if you're okay. If not, wanna go to my secret base?" I saw Katara doing the surrendering pose. "Sigh... Sorry Katara. Sure, come on, at least I can get away from all of them." I said, gesturing to the envious girl hurdling at the corner of every tables. "Come on then." We got up and left the Great Hall.

--- time skip in front of the library ---

"What are we doing here? I'm not in the mood of reading." I sighed, staring at the big wooden doors. "Ssh.. We're not reading because the library are closed after dinner." She said. "Then what are we doing here?" I asked. "Its my secret base. Follow me." She beckoned me over as she picked the lock. Then we huffed and puffed to push the gigantic door. We slipped in quietly but the door closed with a big SLAM. Katara quickly ran and I followed close. I don't wanna get lost in this dark library.

She lead me to a place behind a shelf and walked down a trapdoor I don't even notice. The room below was incredible. It was covered in gold and maroon wallpapers and there's a huge canopy bed in the middle if the room. In the corners were books and magazines stacked up lazily, some sliding down. The room was carpeted and there's 2 green beanbags and a long yellow couch that can be extended. There's also a window. And a wardrobe. The wardrobe was big and was storing food and candies. The room wasn't hot at all. There's no air conditioner but it was cool and breezy. Its magical.

"Whoa! Did you created all of this?!" My eyes widened in awe. "Yeah. I like here very much." She said in pride. "Oh, so that's where most of your allowance went.." I smirked and she smiled sheepishly. Suddenly we heard Filch's voice above us. "Come out, come out, where ever you are." Then we heard a crash and fast footsteps. "A warm lantern! A student out of bed!" Filch's voice was full of victory. After he left, we shivered and laughed at the nervousness. Then we hopped on the bed and began staring at the ceiling of the bed, not uttering a word, enjoying the comfortable silence.

"Hey Else?" Katara suddenly called. "Hmm?" I hummed, closing my eyes. "Is it true?" I snapped my eyes open at her question. "Yeah." I said. "Cool!" She remarked, making me giggle. "What's so cool?" I asked. "You know, I don't really know myself.." She muttered and I laughed. "Hey, tell me the whole story." She said. So I did.

After I finished, she was eyeing the necklace suspiciously. "What?" I asked, looking down. "Maybe that necklace is the answer." She said. "No way. The necklace did glowed and made a magnet, but even after Jack pulled it off, there's still magnet. Were you even listening?!" I said. "Of course. But it did seemed suspicious. I have a theory! What if the necklace was made by Draco, and he intended to gave it to you, so you tripped over it, blah blah blah you get how you get it, right? Now, after that, he purposely passed by you two lovebirds and the necklace's power became stronger. Like, it created magnet and controlled you, according to Draco's will, whenever he's near. How's that?" She asked. I couldn't believe it! She actually made sense for once!

"Hey!" She looked offended and that's when I realized I said that out loud. I smiled sheepishly before nodding. "I never thought of that before. Thanks! And... How do..?" I asked. "Duh! We're in the magic world!" She snapped her fingers in front of me. I smiled sheepishly again.

"Okay... I'm going to do this!" I said, determined. "Of course you are!" Katara said, pushing me, as if to gave me courage. But we're still inside the secret base so I stumbled and kissed the wall. This time my nose was bleeding rapidly. I quickly put an ice cast and some tissues to stop it. I glared at her and she smiled sheepishly. "I'll do it... Once I'm out of here."

Frozen Heart In Love (Jack Frost x Elsa) (Jelsa) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now