Chapter One (Rewritten )

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I don't own Invader Zim, only doing this for fun!
The harsh red lights flared into Red's ocular implants, his eyes, unused to the brightly colored light flinched back into Purple, who looked at him with a startled expression. Red expected himself to have much a similar expression to Purple's. Although he supposed he would have more initiative in this situation, just like in everything else.

A large bout of turbulence caused him to almost lose his balance, and for Purple to actually lose his balance. Which he didn't fault the other Irken for as the only thing allowing him to stay upwards on his feet was his intense amount of militaristic training as a younger Irken. Red held out a hand for Purple letting the other Irken pull himself up.

"Red... Do you know what's going on?" Purple looked rather panicked as he held onto red to keep himself upright.

As red was about to respond to purple, an irken one who's title and job red never paid attention to approached them, wiggling his antennae in greeting and saluting for a formal greeting.

"My Tallests..! I've been assigned to help you get to the escape pods!"

Huh.. so something serious was going on. Red tried to remember the name of the Shorter, or was this Irken a Taller? Whatever it wouldn't do to have this irken annoyed with them.

"Taller A...ero..? What's going on? I demand a full report!" The had a small look of pleasure on his face at being called a Taller but then his expression was twisted back into one of seriousness.

"I apologize, I cannot tell you as the information has not been entitled to me, all I have been told to do is take you to the escape pods.."

Red internally groaned, his eyes squinting slightly, what a useless piece of garbage. He gave his arm a shake to get Purple off of his arm and to stand or at least hover on his own. Thinking about it, where was his hoverbelt? Being as tall as him and Purple were, it seemed to cause a few issues in their backs and that's why the hoverbelts were necessary.. not to mention they were frankly just lazy.

Looking back at the Taller, he looked to be nervous and antsy as he opened his mouth to speak again, "Sirs.. we really need to get going." Red reluctantly followed the Taller but was asking questions all the way back to the pods.

"Where are we going in this pod- Why wasn't I told of these pods"

And purple was surprisingly quiet the whole way there, maybe he wasn't as concerned about this.. maybe Red shouldn't be either really. He rubbed the side of his arm, rather awkwardly honestly and dipped his head as he felt bad that he had bothered the Taller Irken.

"We're here Sirs."  Red was snapped out of his thoughts by Aero's voice and he looked at the pod, it was small, yes, but would fit both him and Purple well enough to be cozy and not claustrophobic.

He stepped into the pod rather placidly and sat down, Purple following close behind with an odd look on his face. It seemed as if he was distressed, more so than red.

And now it was time to wait.

Zim wouldn't say he had a ritual, but it was much like he did. Since his sworn rivalry still hadn't died down but had grown into a very odd comradeship with Dib, thinking on it it was odd, but he didn't think on it much really.
His Schedule was as follows.
Charge up.
Get up.
Get ready for school.
Go to school.
Talk to Dib or fight with him, either works.
Go home.

That was to say that his day had been pretty regular and normal. He had gotten to about step six when his normal day was certainly... changed. As he walked along the sidewalk to his home of a couple of years now and the comradery with Dib-human was blossoming into something that he wouldn't admit, even if he was under gunpoint.

Zim looked up into the sky, seeing the faint twinkle of a shooting star or a meteor. He faintly acknowledged the shooting star until he realized, wait in the day? That must be a large shooting star to see it in broad daylight. He remembered hearing about it, and forgot it would be happening today- he had absolutely had to go check it out for raw materials. He internally had hopes that Dib would be coming too and almost counted on him coming.

As Zim trotted to the site of impact he had somehow magically calculated via his pak, his mind was working around what he was gonna do once he arrived. How to find the most efficient way to snag those raw materials before officials came to the site, presumably to keep trespassers like him from grabbing materials from the meteor.

Once he made his way there he gasped sharply, seeing the soft glimmer of a cloaking device trembling in the air as the ship presumably hovered.

He took a sharp step back and stumbled back into Dib? He looked back and yes, it was indeed Dib-beast. He squinted his eyes at the human but stepped beside him, the height difference becoming more apparent. Dib had grown over the years of him being on Earth, as many of his peers did as well, and that wasn't to say Zim hadn't grown- he did, a centimeter. Regardless, Zim came up to Dib's shoulder at best, even with the centimeter of growth.

Zim wiggled his antennae at Dib from underneath his wig from habit and met his eyes, or atleast the bet way he could with no pupils. The two went back to watching the soft shimmering of the UFO before Zim had something to say, or practically whisper given the situation.

"Dib-Stink! Are your measly, inferior hooman eyes sufficient enough to see the shimmering?" Zim's voice was suprisingly quiet considering his usual booming yells and maniacal laughter.

"Of course I can Zim."

There was an awkward moment of silence as the UFO landed and uncloaked... it was an Irken ship, an escape pod if Zim was correct.

"Red do you think the air is safe to breathe?" A dislocated voice said.

"You're already breathing it to speak Pur... if it wasn't safe to breathe you would be dead, stupid."


Welcome back everyone! The first part of rewriting this is complete! I hope you enjoyed this more than the first chapter and I will now list what I have changed/ fixed:

-Made things longer, added more detail and ext.
-Made everyone more in character, especially Zim
-Earth wasn't explicitly stated in the beginning as to where the Tallests were going in this version
- had Zim not know something was up with the meteor

Therese probably some others but I can't remember them at the current moment.

Give me a comment if you liked it!

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