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"I don't want to hear it from you." Katsuki stopped and glanced to his right, eyes landing on a quarreling couple. Izuku paused a step ahead and looked back at him before looking off towards the couple. "Oh, that's Shoto's brother Dabi and his mate, Shigaraki." Izuku informed him.

"Oh get off it, Shig." Dabi followed the raging omega coolly. "Get off it? I'll get off you, you fucking flirt!" Shigaraki turned on him, getting up close and personal with the alpha. "I wasn't flirting. You're just upset because she offered to give me a check up." Dabi rolled his eyes.

"Oh no, it's not about that. Maybe a little but definitely not that!" The omega snapped. "Oh? Then is it about how you're upset you weren't born an alpha because she made your dick hard when she sanitized your neck?" The alpha sneered. Shigaraki was bristling now, growling like a feral dog as Dabi cornered him against the wall. "You're getting insecure because you think she's cute. You're upset because you want to be her alpha. You can't have her so you're stuck with me, but then you get scared because what if I leave you for her? You'll be alone again. Well guess fucking what, asshat? You ain't getting rid of me that easily. You owe me and you better deliver." Dabi's voice got lower and lower as he spoke, a cruel smirk on his face.

Shigaraki's growl died off from the first sentence, his face looked miserable. "You're cruel, y'know that? Keeping me close like this, making me like that shitty face of yours and getting me so used to your scent and your presence and then you're just going to throw me aside once I give you a-"

Dabi silenced him with a soft kiss, holding the omega steady. Once it was over, Dabi held the omegas hands between his hands. "You want to talk about how cruel I am? Oh babe, I'm nowhere near as fucked up as you are. I mean, if you hadn't killed them, you wouldn't be in this mess. I mean, you'd be dead, but hey, it's better than this, huh?" The alpha growled softly as Shigaraki fisted his shirt, burying his face in the alphas chest.

Izuku grabbed Katsuki's hand, leading him away quietly. "What did we just witness?" Katsuki muttered softly, looking back. "Should we be concerned?"

"I'm sure we should be but they're not in our pack. We can't confront them. Dad is still busy with Endeavor still.. I can tell Aizawa about it but that would be the most I could do. He deals with domestic affairs with our pack families." Izuku spoke gently, arm moving from the omegas hand to loop around his arm, holding gently as the omega leaned into him. Katsuki had taken the fertility enhancer earlier in the day which left him clingy and a bit uncoordinated, almost like he was drunk.

After a quick chat with Fukiwara, he learned it was because the drug was sort of stimulating the chemicals in his body which are usually present during his heat which is giving him heat like symptoms. Katsuki appreciated the touch of his alpha, his stability, but knowing Izuku, the alpha was probably just thinking about it like couples taking a stroll in the park.

"Can you talk to him now?" Katsuki asked as he leaned into the alpha, looking up at him. "That Dabi guy gives me the creeps. What if he's abusing Shigaraki?" The omega continued a bit worriedly.

"You're so kind, Kacchan. I'll talk to Aizawa as soon as I can, I promise. We can go see him now if you want to come with me. He's probably babysitting the pups. You can play with them if you'd like." Izuku offered as he stopped Katsuki, raising the others arm and scenting him soothingly. "Would you like that?"

Katsuki leaned into him, arms wrapping around his neck as he scented him back. "I would but I don't think I will. You go and talk to him. I'm going to see if I can talk to Shigaraki." The blonde spoke. Izuku nodded, pressing his lips to Katsuki's neck before wishing him good luck and heading off down the hall.

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