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Copyright ✔@vanshika231
All rights reserved

This is a work of fiction. Names,characters, places and incidents either are the product of author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual person, living or dead, business establishment, events or locales is entirely coincidence.

This book self published by Author Vanshika on only at wattpad and inkitt through id vanshika231 and booknet through Author Vanshika. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without agreement and written permission of the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of author's right.

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I yawned as the bright rays hit my face, disturbing my beauty sleep. I squirmed in my bed and covered my face with blanket and dozed off again.

I screamed in annoyance as I heard my phone ring. I groaned loudly, cursing the caller. I threw the blanket aside and looked for my long forgotten phone. This was the one thing which I hated most in the world. Who even invented phones!

If there would have no phones, then there would have no calls and no alarms! No clock! Then, the life would have been perfect and relaxing.

I looked for the caller ID to find Jake was calling me! At seven in the morning and that too on Sunday! Fuck him..

"What the hell is your problem, Jake?" I snapped, picking up the call in rage.

"Shut up and listen to me carefully. I'm in office right now and there is a letter in your name." He spoke through the line, in a tensed and serious voice.

"Isn't this our office, Jake? So, ofcourse if somebody wants to send me a letter they would send on this fucking address only! Now, I'm cutting the call." I shouted whilst grabbing my pillow and strangling it while thinking it as of Jake's neck.

"No, you are not getting it. I want you in the office in thirty minutes. Fast, no arguments." He ordered and cut the phone, not even giving me a chance to argue.

I whimpered frustratedly and picked up myself from the bed and took a quick shower while grabbing my towel. Picking up my jeans and blouse with cardigan, I threw them on myself and strode out of my room.

"Caitlyn, you are up already?"

I pouted as my cook questioned when I was picking my keys.

"Office calls," I complained and waved at her, simultaneously leaving the house. I jumped in my car and drove to the office while yawning all the way.

I killed the engine after reaching the high, glass building. I parked car outside on the road only to open the locks of the back door. I entered inside and strode to Jake's cabin, stomping all the way in anger. 

As soon as I barged in, I yelled thunderously, making him fall out of his chair,

"Why did you call me on Sunday?"

"Cait, here, read this letter."

"Hold your horses! What the fuck were you even doing in the morning here?" I questioned giving him a stink eye.

Seriously, who comes to office on the Sunday and that too in early morning?!

I snatched the letter from him and brisked it open furiously. This was the main cause of all problems. My eyes squinted as there was no address or phone number on the letter. No name, just someone's initials.

Start preparing for our marriage, Caitlyn. 


Do we call six words a letter? For god's sake, I was already going to marry in two months and here someone was proposing me or more likely ordering me to marry him! 

What is going in this world these days?

People have really gone mad!

"This might be a joke, Jake. You know, there are thousand people who propose me any next day!" I whined while folding my legs as I sat down.

He raised his eyebrow and twisted his lips, unsatisfied with my answer.

"Yes, you are correct but all the people propose you! They don't write a note and order you to start preparing for marriage! This is more deeper than we are taking it." He muttered, in his own world of detectives and suspicions.

"See, this is joke played by someone. Trust me, no one would even dare to send me such a letter." I acclaimed, huffing at the end.

Really, who would try to send a letter to the daughter of Patrick King, ordering to marry hm?

"Better be that way," He spoke, still not satisfied. 

I yawned again and looked at the paper again when my eye caught the sight of a printed animal. There was a small panther, printed to the corner of the paper. 

I sighed and looked away, folding it neatly.

What a day!

Suggestion:- Read on web version of wattpad i.e. to enjoy listening to the music added to each chapter according to taste while reading. 

I have worked hard and found a set of songs on YouTube which would thrill you and you would feel like reading a real, real novel!

Welcome to never let go series!

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