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(This is the scene where Huey and Jazmine are on the hill together...Yes I skipped the very first scene where Riley and Grandad are talking cause I'm lazy.)

Jazmine: do wanna come over my house and watch TV?
Huey: No.
Jazmine: do you wanna come over video games?
Huey:  No.
Jazmine: do you wanna come over and have a jump rope contest?
(Huey gets up.)
Huey: I'm going back to Chicago.
Jazmine: Really..for good?
Huey: No. I wish...My Grandad's friend died and we're going back for the funeral and I'll get see my best friend Cairo.
Jazmine: your friend?
Huey: yeah but I haven't talked to him since we moved here.
Jazmine: How the hell are you friends if you never talk to him?
Huey: ....
Jazmine: I don't think I have a best friend...
Huey: Well sucks to suck...
(Huey starts walking off.)
Huey: If I never come back..Have a nice life.
Jazmine: bye...asshole.
(On the plane.)
Robert: This reminds me of when I fought in World war you guys wanna hear the sto-
God Mama Cleo: No! Ain't nobody wanna hear no story from no god damn about World war 2! So shut the fuck up Robert! Robert If I hear you even thinking about WW2 I'm gonna come back there and punch your ass clean across your face!
Robert: Ok Ok! DAMN CLEO!
Cleo: Yeah that's what I thought..bitch ass.
( Huey and Riley look at each.)
Huey: This is gonna be one long trip.
Riley: Yep.
Once they got to Chicago they meet up with Auntie Cookie and rode all the way to Aunt Cookie's House and spended the night.

(God Mama Cleo is actually only 19 years she more like the boys god sister)

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