Chapter 5

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Draco's POV:

I circled the building, cementing the decision in my mind. It could be the worst decision of my life, or it could be the best. I guess we'll see.

I knocked on Harry's door, then pushed it open. Weasley had his head leaning down on the bed, but it jerked up and his eyes narrowed when he saw me.

"What do you want, Malfoy? What the hell are you doing here, anyway?" His voice lacked its usual frustration, at least when he was talking to me, and was replaced with exhaustion. It was much less intimidating. Not like it ever was, anyway.

"I happen to have turned over a new leaf and am curious as to why you have not." 

Ron shook his head, obviously not understanding. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how I'm not the same Malfoy you knew at school. Granger's given me a second chance, why don't you? I could make your life hell, you know. You could be grateful that I'm actually trying to be civil."

Ron sighed, then ran a hand over his face.

"Look, you're sleep deprived. You are obviously starving. Go get something to eat and take a nap. I just stopped by the cafeteria. They're still open." 

Ron shook his head. "I'm not leaving Harry alone." He looked over at his best friend, who was staring off to the side. His head hadn't moved since I had turned it and he was now staring blankly at that wall.

"He won't be alone. I'll be here." Ron raised his eyebrows, then he shook his head. "New leaf, Weasley. What, you think I have some evil plan?" Ron's head gave a slight tilt, showing that was exactly what he thought. I guess I couldn't really blame him. "Look, we are in a building full of healers and security. I couldn't kill Potter to save my life. I'd be arrested again before I could so much as lift my wand."

I was honestly surprised at how few security guards there were, actually, but I wasn't going to tell him that. And he looked tired enough to not realize that it was a lie.

"Fine. But just for a bit. I'll just get some food, then be right back." 

I shrugged. "Whatever, Weasley." 

He stood and looked over at Harry, then at me. "I need your wand." 

I raised an eyebrow. "And why do you need that?"

"Because I obviously don't trust you and I want to make sure Harry stays alright." 

I sighed as I pulled out the carved wooden stick and handed it to him. It felt strange. Like I was giving a piece of myself away.

"Just don't break it like you broke yours." 

Ron rolled his eyes. "That was six years ago, get over it."

I actually chuckled at that, then I walked over to the chair beside Harry's bed and sat down. Ron looked uncertainly between us, then he sighed and hurried from the room, stowing my wand into his jacket pocket. I really hoped he wouldn't break it.

When the door slammed shut, I let out a relieved breath. I honestly hadn't expected for that to work. I expected arguments and insults and fighting, but I guess exhaustion could take the fight out of someone. I should know. I was drained for six months and could hardly move, let alone fight in a duel.

I looked over at Harry, then gently took his hand. He didn't show any indication that he felt it, but I felt sparks run up my arm.

"Harry..." I sighed. "I meant what I said before. Don't leave us behind. I know you're just dying to see your parents again, sorry for the choice of words, but...Merlin, they just aren't ready for you to go yet. Hermione's not ready. Ron is certainly not ready. I'm..." I sighed "I'm not ready. Hermione spends every waking moment by your bedside. Doesn't that mean anything to you? That she cares so much about you? It has to." I ran my good hand through my hair, messing it up. "I know you. You care about them more than you care about yourself. You can't just leave them behind, even though I can tell you want to."

Again, no reaction. What had I been expecting? That he would leap up and say that he was healed and ready to fight another war? That he would say he cared about me too? That he would just say something? I guess hope really was the worst thing in the world. It made it so easy to get crushed.

I tilted Harry's head towards me, much more gently than last time.

"Please, Harry. Try. I know it's hard. I know the white lights and the promise of family is strong, but I hope that the promise of your family and friends here is stronger. Please just...try. Try to get yourself out of your own head. Try come back. I can't force you, but I can hope like hell that you do."

As much as I hated it, I would hope. I would hope until he died or I would hope until he came back with that outrageously adorable grin of his plastered onto his face.

I gave Harry's hand a light squeeze then stood, deciding I should see what was holding Weasley up.

I stuck my head out the door and saw that he was passed out on the bench in the hallway, a bag of crisps clutched tightly in his hand. I was sure that they had been reduced to a powder by then.

I gave a small chuckle as I walked back into the room and sat down once more.

My stomach did another flip when I saw another flicker in Harry's eyes. I could see that he was fighting whatever was going on in his head, and fighting hard. I was just hoping he would win.

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