Why Don't They Understand?

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violet13m: can you make a chapter about kyu and the twins playing, and kyu is trying to communicate with them but they won't listen, so kyu gets mad and asks why they don't understand

Let's hope this is to your liking!

At first, the twins were a quiet duo; they didn't often cry or scream. It wasn't until their older brother decided to play with them that the real fits would happen and not just from the babies.

Kyurei was a hyper and exuberant child by nature so mixing him up with his otherwise meek and shy younger brothers didn't exactly go as planned. The older boy had started off being behaved and using the baby toys that were constantly strewn around the living room (that got on the parents' nerves quite a bit especially when tripping over them or stepping on them) to amuse himself and his brothers. But, like most young children, he got bored and wanted to do something more "grown up".

Soccer was grown up to him, so he went to fetch the soccer ball from outside. Just as the adventurous child was about to punt the ball to Tsuki who was calmly sitting on the carpeted floor and teething on a stuffy, he was scooped into Nene's arms.

"Kyu, what do you think you're doing?" The woman asked in a warning tone all the while bouncing her oldest son in her arms.

Kyurei whined and squirmed to get down. "I'm playing with Hoshi and Tsuki, mommy."

"My little wolf, for one, you know you're not allowed to play ball inside," she explained, setting him down. He just gave a huff as if to say he didn't care. "And two, Hoshi and Tsuki are too young to play soccer."

"But playing soccer is super fun!" Another attempt, this time at a throw in to Hoshi. Nene snatched the ball out of his little hands and tossed it outside.

Nene gave a gentle smile, though she was quickly losing her patience. "I'm sure they'll love to play soccer just as much as you do, just in a few more years. Now go outside to play."

The brunette had an idea. "How about the pool!"

That was harmless enough. She agreed and went to set up the blue kiddie pool in the backyard.

The twins were gently sat into the basin of low water and a few water toys were thrown in. Kyu flew out of the house in his little star-patterned swim trunks, floaties on his arms. He had a bag filled with little figurines of superheroes. Three figurines were fished out of the bag, and one was given to each twin.

"Let's play superheroes!" he announced happily. "Hoshi, you get to be the sidekick! Tsuki, you are the villain! And I obviously get to be the strongest superhero of all!"

Hoshi, curious, started chewing on the plastic toy that was handed to him much to Kyu's dismay.

"No, Hoshi! Don't eat my dolls!" As he stopped one twin, the other followed suit and chewed on his toy.

"Not you too, Tsuki!" This was getting frustrating for the kid. He had been looking forward to playing with his brothers since the moment he heard he was going to be an older brother, but this was not at all what he expected.

No matter how many times Kyu explained to them what they were playing the other two just blinked back at him. His frustration was reaching a breaking point; he just wanted to play and have fun! Why didn't they want to have fun with him? He wrenched the toys out of the babies' hands and threw them back into his bag. The twins started to tear up and wail, missing their new chew things.

Nene had been trying to continue her manuscript and watch the children at the same time, but she wouldn't get any work done at this rate.

"Momma! Hoshi and Tsuki aren't listening to me!!" The tyke had marched out of the kiddie pool fuming.

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