Are We Really Getting a Hamster?

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The current situation had all started because Nene had shown Kyurei pictures of her numerous prior hamsters. Which would obviously lead the young boy to beg for a hamster of his own. And the parents weren't sure what compelled them to say yes right away. Amane had come to his senses seconds after agreeing, explaining they had to think about it.

Nene was completely on board with the idea, gushing over how the cute little pet will be just the perfect addition to their already adorable family. But her husband had requested she think this through a bit more. Unlike his wife, Amane wasn't sold on having another thing to worry about.

"Think about the mess that it will make and the extra money it will cost us." He had sighed out, pleading his love to change her mind for fear that more disaster would ensue. And, I mean, he had a right to be worried. Kyurei's meltdown over feeling less loved by his parents that had happened a little over two months ago was only the start of what had become a long line of bad behavior and the couple had struggled caring for the babies and dealing with the little terror that was their eldest.  The two had been jampacking their schedule full of nothing but caring for their children in hopes that it would make things better for Kyu. And it did, Kyu appreciated his parents' efforts (told them everyday that he loved them and they were the best) though apparently not enough since that didn't stop his more and more regular tantrums (specifically about not going to bed in favor of staying up with his telescope). It was starting to take a toll on the trying parents, especially with the upcoming publishing of Nene's new novel and Amane's next launch mission for the new satellite that JAXA had been working on.

No matter how much Nene wanted to hear the brunette out, the aspect of having an adorable hamster just wouldn't allow her to. She hadn't had another hamster since Black Canyon had passed away in her last year of highschool and she really missed caring for the chubby-cheeked, floofy, potato-like animal.

Twirling her teal tipped locks, the ashen-blonde woman glanced at Amane with shining eyes, hoping he would give in. "Please, Amane, please! You know we make more than enough money to take care of a cute little hamster," she started, taking the man's hands into her own, interlocking their fingers. She knew he had a weakness for the shape of fingers, particularly hers which were rather petite and yet fit perfectly in his large hands. She had grown her own soft spot for holding hands with him, it just felt right, soothing even.

The amber eyed man became slightly flustered, not without knowing what the woman was doing. He couldn't let her win, yet he really couldn't stop her at this point. He was reduced to mush. That didn't mean he wouldn't give up without a fight, he would, just not until she knew all his reasons.

"We really don't have the time to take care of one more thing right now, Nene."

Said girl squeezed his hand. "We won't have to! Just think of it as a way for the boys to learn how to be responsible!"

"Oh, yeah and let them kill the poor animal?" That was a pretty harsh blow, Amane would admit.

It took a moment for the ashen blonde woman to respond because he was right. It could end terribly and she didn't want to see a hamster die so soon. "I'll teach them how to care for it, I promise," she announced, lending her pinky out, waiting for the astronomer to take it in his own.  

He really, really couldn't say no if he kept staring at her and he also couldn't let her win so easily. So he looked away, crossing his arms, his blush spreading to his ears and burning bright pink for all to see.


With a huff, Nene got up from the couch walking towards the kitchen unhurriedly. "Fine, guess I'll die of sadness because my husband doesn't want our adorable children to have a cute hamster." Her vanquished tone was obviously overly dramatic not to mention her motions were slow on purpose in hope he would eventually give in before she left the room. Nearing the kitchen, she felt his arms embrace her tightly.

Curiosity Killed The Wolf • Amane x Nene • Parent AU one-shot series • 地縛少年花子くんWhere stories live. Discover now