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In the morning a lady is seen praying in the home mandir and glaring towards the mandir door...

Suddenly someone comes hurriedly  and makes a cute puppy face seeing a jawla mukhi staring angrily.....

She fumes and asks: "Is this the time of praying???the prayer is over and again I was the only one here....At least you can act maturely Shekhar....."

Shekhar: "Oho Jan I was awake but came late initially just to see your cute angry face...." He tries to butter her...

Janki: "How romantic!!" she says extra dramatically
Shekhar: "Lucky you" he says proudly
Janki:"Now stop your acting and come out... Where is your devils??"
Shekhar: "Devils?!!!But you are here na??"

Janki:"What???"she shouts angrily
Shekhar:"I..... I mean you are here na you go and call them.."
Janki:"Hmm" he let out a relief...

And she goes upstairs...Janki opens a room and finds it empty she let out a small smile and went to another room..Here she finds her two Beautiful girls are sleeping hugging each other..Shekhar too comes their and they smiled seeing their daughters and janki eyes becomes teary..That's when a girl speak in her sleeping voice...

Girl1:"Now stop that rona dona see us daily like this..."
Janki smiles but immediately change her smile into a fake anger and says.....
Janki:"Shut up mishti and wake that devil also....."
Mishti laughs and comes to her mother and hugs her... Shekhar pout and says....
Shekhar:"Without me??"
JanMish hugs him also that's when another girls voice comes..
Girl2:"And what about me??"Says the girl revealing her angelic Beautiful face....

Mishti:"You don't have to come Ragini"
Ragini pouts and says....
The three laughs at her cute antics and signs her to come... She run towards them and hugs them more tightly....
Shekhar becomes teary and says.......

Shekhar:"Don't know how my daughters grow up so early that they are going to get married in some days."
Janki also noods...

Ragini:"Uffo ma papa don't get senti now..I'm going to get fresh I need to go out."Mishti gives her a teasing smile and says.......
Mishti:"Oohho need to go out???But why???"

Ragini blushes understanding her meaning and says:"Dii nothing like that" and rushes to her room to get fresh the three laugh at her......But suddenly Jankis face fall Shekhar understand that and asks Mishti to freshen up also and come out with Janki....

"In ShekJan room"
Shekhar:"I know Janki you are not happy with ragini's decision. But you can't let her feel that you are unhappy. You know na we are doing this only for her happiness???"
Janki nods with tear filled eyes..
Shekhar:" Then we have to be happy with her.. Our happiness only lies in her happiness Jan.."

That's when Mishti also entered the room and says....
Mishti:"But papa always we can't let her do whatever she wants.."

Janki:"You are right Mishti but we couldn't say no to her seeing her happiness.I know marriage is a big decision but only for her we agreed and still I don't like that family also..See they are not at all interested in preparations it seems only our function.... I wanted you guys to marry brothers so that you can be together always.."

Shekhar:"Hope she get all the happiness she deserves."He says worriedly...Mishti thinks to lighten the mood of her parents...

Mishti:"Don't worry papa where Ragu will go happiness will follow her like a shadow."
ShekJan smiles in tears Mishti to smiles seeing them smiling.........


Screen opens on a big mansion there is also a name plate written "Maheshwari"

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