This Sucks.

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Baddie slowly opened his eyes, a throbbing pain pounding away at his head. It wasn't too strong, but it wasn't ideal. It was still dark as hell - he groggily smacked his hand about on the bedside table before finding a grip on his phone, and checking the time. 4:25am. He groaned, forcing his eyes shut once more, phone still in hand. 

He hadn't had a restless night in a while, until now. He'd forgotten how much it sucks. Gliding a tongue over his dry lips, Baddie tried to remember the last time he'd drank anything. His mouth felt like a desert, begging for any hydration. To ignore this and go back to sleep was not an option, Baddie realised; he wouldn't be able to fall asleep like this, not in a million years. And didn't Sunny-D say something about hydration being the best treatment for headaches? 

He tossed the covers aside and slid out of bed. The air was chilly, pricking at the goosebumps on his skin. He'd made sure to shut the window tight the day before, and still, somehow, a light breeze managed to squeeze it's way in through the cracks. 'We really need that fixed.' Baddie knew it'd be a long time before it would be - every time, he'd make a mental note to bring it up, and every time he forgot about it until the next time it inconvenienced him. 'Guess this house will be trash forever,' He rolled his eyes to himself. 

As if to mock the night air, quickly he threw on a hoodie, shielding his vulnerable skin, before making his way to the kitchen. Several times he almost smacked face first into a wall, but he managed to complete his mission: he reached the kitchen. A marvelous place full of magic and wonder (or what others prefer to simply call packets of cans of Sprite).

Cracking open a Sprite and taking a massive gulp from it in one swing was like second nature to him by now. Maybe it wasn't the best choice of drink before bed, but he figured he was so tired that no type of sugar or caffeine could take proper effect. Everything in his vision still looked kind of fuzzy, and his headache only now began to go down.

He was going to go for another can before flopping back into his bed, when he heard a noise. It was a quiet sniffling. Baddie shrugged, and opened the can, hoping it was just his imagination. Really wishing it was just some animal in the distance or whatever. 

It only got louder. It was unmistakably someone crying. Baddie rolled his eyes to himself the second time that night. '4am MCR probably hit Edgy hard', he snorted, and began moving his feet one after the other out of the kitchen, and back to his room. 

Something nagged him in the back of his mind, though. He paused before his bedroom door, Sprite can still in hand.

What if it was Sunny crying? The thought was ridiculous, but just to be sure, Baddie listened closer. No, it didn't sound like it was coming from Sunny's room. Clearly it was Edgy. He took a sip of the Sprite. Taking in a deep breath, he sighed. He wouldn't be able to sleep like this. Worse yet, what if it woke up Sunny? 

He was also kind of curious. But he hated this more. This sucked. 

Instead of entering his own room and getting nice and cosy in his own bed, Baddie dragged himself over to Edgy's room. He stared at the "DO NOT ENTER!" sign. Edgy truly lived up to his nickname, no matter how much he tried to deny it at times. The cringe felt like a punch to the stomach. 

He placed his hand on the doorknob, gently, and cracked the door open. Just the slightest bit. There was a dim light from one of Edgy's screens, a screensaver bouncing around like a pingpong ball. Baddie loved to troll Edgy by changing things up in his room, his setup, even his phone a few times, but recently he hadn't really entered the room. 

He pushed open the door a bit more, so that Edgy came into view. Curled into a ball on his bed, laying on his side, hugging his knees close to his chest; like the fetal position. Something odd stirred within Baddie. It felt almost surreal seeing the guy like this - sure, he'd seen Edgy cry before once or twice, but never had he looked so…small. 

If Baddie were Sunny, he would've been at his friend's side immediately. He would've been asking all the right questions, such as "What's wrong?" and "Are you okay?" and "How can I help?". Unfortunately, Baddie wasn't Sunny. Baddie considered taking a picture, or even video, to tease or blackmail him later or something, but he'd left his phone in his room. His other option was to leave and forget about this. The sounds of crying had significantly quietened, so why was he still here? 

"Why the fuck are you here." Baddie hadn't realised he'd zoned out for a moment. Edgy's words were more of a statement than a question. He lay as still as he was before. 

"You woke me up." Baddie settled for the same passive aggressive tone he was receiving. Usually he'd be a lot more teasing, but he was tired, and quite annoyed. He paused, then added, a bit hastily, "Keep it down." He opened the door fully - no point in trying to keep a low profile anymore - and leaned against the door frame.

Edgy lay still, sniffing once. Then, slowly, he lifted himself up, and rubbed his eyes. It didn't help much but make his eyes redder, as newly formed tears walked down his cheeks. Baddie looked down at his Sprite.

"MCR finally getting to your head?" The sentence whirred out from his throat automatically, without warning. Anything to fill the silence. Anything to get him out of this stupid situation. 


It was a mumbled, weak response. Edgy wanted to say so much more. He wanted to scream from Baddie seeing him like this. He wanted to launch himself at the other man and rip him to shreds. All of this anger dissipated within seconds, like a shortness of breath. Quickly in, quickly out. Disorienting, aggravating. He just wanted to sleep and be left alone. It annoyed him that he could still feel the salty liquid wetting his cheeks and chin. It wouldn't stop. His chest hurt.

He grasped at his bedsheets, looking down. From the direction of the door, he could hear Baddie sigh. Then he heard footsteps. He couldn't muster up any energy to be mad at him for entering his room. Whatever Baddie had planned, Edgy didn't care anymore. He couldn't. Nothing mattered - what was the point? 

Baddie didn't know what he was doing - what was the point? He was anything but acquainted with sympathy, and even if he was, why would he aim to help Edgy of all people? He placed down the now-empty can onto Edgy's desk, and looked down at the crying man before him. Now that he was closer, he could see he was quivering. Perhaps he felt pity. Or maybe he just really wanted to make sure he actually shut up before going to bed. 

He sat himself down on the edge of the bed, and suddenly found he didn't know what to do next. He grasped for as many options as possible, but thought had abandoned him. His mind pulled a blank. Baddie really wasn't good at this. 

"Uh… You should. Stop crying." 

Eh, better than nothing.

A long, long pause followed. All movements and noises from Edgy came to a halt. Then, very, very slowly, he leaned back, until he lay flat on his back. He stopped snivelling, yet the tears still came. He wiped them off on the blanket.

Baddie felt a bead of hot sweat on his forehead. He cringed at himself internally. This was terrible. It didn't seem like it was making anything worse, though.

"I know you're an edgelord, but. Go to sleep like everyone else."

Edgy was usually so responsive. Always firing back words like bullets, always feisty and easily annoyed and aggravated. Those were the main reasons as to why it was always so funny to troll him. Now, laying on his back, staring blankly at the ceiling with an uncontrollable stream of tears flowing out of his glassed over eyes, body still and frozen as if a corpse… honestly, it was more than strange. It was almost frightening.

Baddie felt like he should keep talking. The worst thing was to sit in total silence, and yet, he didn't say much afterwards. He sat there for only a few minutes before Edgy's breathing softened and his eyes stayed closed. It was unbelievably tempting to blow an airhorn directly into his ear, Baddie only just managed to resist it. Besides, he wanted nothing more in that moment but his bed and a good few more hours of rest.

As he made his way back to his bedroom, the throbbing in his head returned with a vengeance. Baddie groaned. This night sucked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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