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Noriaki Kakyoin had finally gotten out of school for the weekend. He couldn't be more excited to get home and play his new video game. He looks up at the sky and notices the cherry-blossoms in the blue sky. It was so beautiful. He hurries along with his route home alone, he didn't have a lot of friends or any at all for that matter. He had trouble making friends, not that anyone disliked him or he acted out in class, he didn't find any connection with people.

He admired the views as he walked. Little did he realize, he was being followed. The person moving so stealthy. They were right behind him. They slowly move up closer then suddenly Noriaki turns. "Is someone there?" His voice was slightly thrilled and his eyes wide open, looking if someone was beside. Luckily for the person, they had ducked just in time.

Noriaki turned back around and began to walk again. A minute later, he hears loud steps coming in his direction and before he could turn, he could see nothing but darkness. He felt someone's hand on his mouth, muffling his screams. He was then picked up, which scared the teen. As he was taken into an ally and then a van.

He heard a grunted sigh, definitely from a male. His age and who he was Noriaki could not tell. He felt his hands and ankles were tied up. Then the person took off Noriaki's mask of his eyes allowing him to see again. He saw that he was in an unfamiliar black van with tinted windows. He heard the door slam and someone entered the driver's seat. He had a jet-black jacket and a cap. A school uniform Kakyoin wasn't familiar with. "Mister, where are you taking me?"

He didn't speak as he started the car and began to drive. "Hey! Let me out!" he tried to open the door. It was locked of course. "Mister! Where are we going?!" He was screaming now.

"Shut up! You'll live." The teen's voice was masculine. Kakyoin saw his face for a moment. He had blue eyes and black hair. He also noticed his stocky build. No wonder he could easily pick up Kakyoin. Kakyoin wasn't heavy by any means. He had a similar build to the boy but Kakyoin had a thinner, feminine figure. He sat in silence glancing out the window, his town becoming a blur.

"You might as well rest now. We have a lengthy drive ahead of us."

He suddenly felt tired. He tried to keep his eyes open and be alert but it became harder by the minute. His vision became slightly blurry. He couldn't fight it anymore and fell unconscious.

Noriaki Kakyoin...

Kakyoin... wake up.

Kakyoin slowly opens his eyes, his eyesight slightly fuzzy. He notices himself tied up in a chair. His arms handcuffed into the arms of the chair and ankles cuffed the leg. He looks up to see the scary faced teen who had seized him. His face relaxed when he finally woke up.

"Good. You're conscious. "

Kakyoin had an angered expression on his face. "It's ok. Kakyoin. Everything will be okay. Sleep well?"

"How do you know my name? And where are we? Why am I here? What are you gonna do to me? Are you gonna torture me? Hurt me? Break me?"

The teen signed. "Calm down. You have so many questions. Then again, if a complete stranger abducts you from home without warning, I'd have questions too. Well, it's obvious I won't give you the location yet, so you can stop asking. I don't plan on hurting you, unless." He pulls out a blade. "You go against me or try to injure me."

Kakyoin nodded. "What's your name? If you don't care to tell me, that is."

"Jotaro Kujo. You are gonna be here for a long while so might as well get to know me too." He smiled as he took a seat in front of him.

"Jotaro, Jotaro, Jotaro." Kakyoin chanted, trying to remember it.

"Let me untie you from that chair," Jotaro says as he unfastens the boy. Kakyoin then stood up, immediately feeling dizzy. Now, he could explore the whole room. He saw a small desk. On the desk were a notebook, pencil, and a digital clock. He even saw a window. A window! "Don't get your hopes up. The glass is shatter-proof and its glued shut. But at least you can look outside." Kakyoin looked out to see a dark evening sky, city lights, and active streets.

Kidnapped- Yandere JotakakWhere stories live. Discover now