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They spent the next few hours playing games. Kakyoin had begun to feel something for Jotaro. He didn't know why. He didn't trust him for putting him in this situation but he found himself feeling at ease. He felt tingly and hot when he came so close to his face. It felt weird. He felt love for the person who kidnapped him. Took him away from everyone he knew and loved.

How was that possible? He didn't know

"Kakyoin are you okay?"

He looked up. "Huh?"

"You've been staring out into space for a while now."

Kakyoin nodded his head. "Just a little tired."

"Do you need to sleep?"

"I'll be fine."

Suddenly he felt someone pick him up. "H-Hey, Jotaro-" He was then thrown on his bed and a needle was injected into his arm. He watched the liquid inside of the syringe go into his bloodstream. He felt drowsy. His vision began to blur and slowly drifted off to deep sleep.

Kakyoin woke up the next morning. He felt more well-rested than usual. He stretched and got out of bed. He walked over to the window and looked out. The sky was a dull blue. It was cloudy and it looked like it might rain. It didn't matter. He wasn't going outside. He never knew when he could go out again.

The clock read 9:03. He decided to draw his favorite game characters in the notebook. It was time-consuming but it was fun for him nonetheless. He was content with the results. He looked at the clock again. 11:37. 'Jotaro is gonna come back soon right?' He remained hopeful. 'Why is Jotaro nice to me? Is he trying to get me to trust him first? I'm so confused.' He waited on him to show up still. He passed the time by playing video games.

And no matter what he did to pass the time, he never came by.

Kakyoin now looked out at the night sky? "Why?"

He went to bed worried. "Where did you go, Jotaro?" He tried to sleep but yet he didn't. The fact his kidnapper didn't check on him was odd. He got himself to calm down somehow. He just began to fade away and suddenly felt something in his arm again. He turned his head to see a shadow-figure injecting his arm with a drug. The person looked a little bit like Jotaro. Was it him? He couldn't tell. He felt too tired to focus on them...


"Kakyoin... ahh.... You're so beautiful.... If you only knew what I would do to protect you...."

Kakyoin's eyes opened wide after hearing that sentence. 'Who was that' He didn't move. The person's voice was familiar and masculine. It was a quiet voice but he could still tell. It was Jotaro.

"Ahaha....you don't know how long I've wanted you here. I've been watching you for so long and now I finally have you here" He laughed again. He leaned in closer to Kakyoin and whispered more hushedly.

"Kakyoin...I love you." He then left and locked the door.

Kakyoin then sat up from his bed. "What just happened?" He looked at the clock. It was 3:33 in the morning. Has Kakyoin lost his mind already? He tried to go back to sleep, but the scene playing over and over in his head had kept him awake for the rest of the night.


Jotaro came in 4 hours later. He looked at Kakyoin with a smile. "Good morning, Kakyoin." Kakyoin only waved back. His eyes felt heavy. He had dark circles under them. "I have some questions for you, Jotaro."

Jotaro took a seat in front of Kakyoin, his legs spread and his hands clasped together and leaning towards him. "I can't grant an answer but you can ask me."

Kidnapped- Yandere JotakakWhere stories live. Discover now