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" keep your head up" shouted my father. David watching from the side sitting with my mother, younger brother and baby sister.

" shoulder back" he shouted again. Hitting him with my padded hands  "HEAD UP" he shouted.

"How are you going to protect yourself if you are looking at your feet  instead of watching your enemies " he shouted.  I stopped punching him padded body and took a few steps back.

" can I stop, I'm tired " I pleaded bouncing on the balls of my feet.

" your tried? And what if you are fighting a vampire. Do you think they will stop trying to kill you because you are tired" he said. I looked at my mum with tears in my eyes

"Damien, give her a break " said my mother, giving me an apologetic look.

" ok, if you can use at least weapon in this room you can stop for the day" he said.

I turned in a hurry and made my way towards the table full of weapons, scanning the weapon placed  out before me. My eyes drifted to a beautiful knife with a wooded carved handle.

I let my finger tip slip onto the smooth wood and curled my finger around it. Picking it up and turn and my next move comes almost naturally.

Turning I flung the knife threw the air and it went right past my fathers ear and hit the wall behind him.

There was a shocked gasp coming from my mother as my father staired on in shock.

" can I go now" I asked. I only needed my father to  nod before I excused myself.

Playing with the very same knife in my hand as I wait for david to get off the phone. Once we arrived in port Angeles.

David had decided it would be a good idea to contact the number given to us by mother so that is what he was doing.

I continued to flip the knife inbetween my fingers and only looked up hearing my name being called. David was making his way back over towards the wall where I am standing.

" ok so the ladies name is Sue Clearwater and she said she will come along and pick us up so until then, do you wanna go get food you look exhausted " he said placing a hand on my shoulder.

" I'm fine, how long do you think she will be " I asked pushing a few strands of my dark brown hair behind my ear.

" about an hour I think" he said. " you should put that away don't want to get cought walking around with a knife " he nodded at the sharp blade in my hand.

I stuff it back into my boot and look back up at my brother. A few questions swirled in my head. So I decided to ask him.

" david, why do you think father was so reluctant to let us go to seattle" I said looking him dead in the eye.
" does he not trust him teaching methods " I added

" no, I think he just is a little scared, something like this hasn't happened in a while and not this bad either and I dont think he likes the idea that something like last time might happen again " he said. He slowly started to walk towards a small street full of food places.

I really wished they would stop bringing it up. My whole family was getting on my nerves and I think I might end up stabbing my brother by the end of this.

Upon leaving and travelling so far away from home a never really got to ever look around. I noticed all the beautiful displays in the shops and the amount of teenagers walking around.

I smiled sadly at my current thoughts. I never really had a chance to enjoy my teenage years. Most girls my age would watched romance movies and had boyfriend. I hadn't had either. I grew up with weapons and different fighting techniques.

David notice my sudden change in emotions and gently grapped my elbow slowing me down.

" are you ok " he questioned his eye flicking with worry.  "What are you thinking about " he asked letting go of my elbow and placing it on my shoulder.

" I'm not thinking about anything" i said trying to act dumb.

" come on Harley, I know when you are thinking you always bite your lower lip" he said gesturing towards my mouth.

" ok I was thinking, but its nothing to worry about, honesty " I  said. He gave me a look and I don't think he believed me. However he let the subject go, knowing not to push me.

We ate at a small sandwich shop until sue showed up. She was lovely and very pretty with long dark hair and soft features.

She came over to us and asked if we were Susan's children. Of course we said yes and climbed into her car.

" god you look so much like your mother " said sue as she held her eyes on the road.

" I get that a lot " I said looking out the window and into the trees. I always loved the woods and I loved being outdoors. I spent alot of time outside training to track different supernatural creatures mainly vampires.

" how do you know our mother " David turned to Sue. Our mother never said anything about having friends in this area.

" oh, she saved my life years ago, there was a vampire in the area and I ran into it in the woods when I was alone, if it wasn't for your mother showing us I wouldn't be here " she replied. David just nodded his head happy with the answer.

I should of guessed that was how mother met Sue. That was how mother met many of the people she knows todays.

In a way it was kinda the reason my parents met but that is a story for another time.

David and Sue continue to have a conversation with the music on the radio quietly playing in the back ground.

I averted my gaze to the woods again. I could tell we were getting closer to the reservation just by the look of the woods.

I wonder how many Quileutes are shapeshifters. I never got to ask my mother, I  didn't expect her to know the answer anyway.

" Sue, can I ask a question " I said realising I had just accidentally butted into a conversation.

" sure, you can " she said with a sweet smile plastered on her face, eyes still on the road.

" how many shapeshifters are there on the reservation " I asked I saw her slightly relaxed at my question which confused me.

" oh thank god your mother told you about that, I didn't really want to have to tell you. Currently there are about eights shapeshifters " she said. I nodded.

" what are their names " asked david
Putting his water down.

" so the alpha is sam then you have jared, paul, embry and jacob who you will probably meet at the council meeting because he is Billy Blacks son" she paused looking at us to see if we were following.

" then you have Quil, seth and leah. Seth and leah are my children you will meet them later I hope. Provided they actually show up and aren't out on patrol. " she said eyes  going back to the road.

" is there anything else we need to know" asked David. His practical side showing again.

" there is, But it will all be explained at the council meeting " said sue
" were here " .

She stopped the car and I looked up at a White House. It was decently sized and I could see the back garden went into the forest.

" come on, I'll show you your rooms"

Let me know what you think. I'm putting a lot into the story and really hope people like it
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