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Climbing out the car and grabbing my stuff, Sue walked us up to the door. Grabbing a key out her pocket and sliding it into the key hole.

" I hope you don't mind, we only have one guest room. So you will be sharing a room " Sue said as she made her way towards the stairs.

" Sue it is more then enough, just the fact that you are letting us stay here we are greatful for everything. " I said as she opened up a door into a room with twin single beds in it and a bathroom attached.

" we gave to the biggest room anyways so I don't think there will be any problems. " she said

" come on, place your bags on the bed and come down to the kitchen I will get you something to eat" said sue leaving the room.

Not wanting to be rude I followed her and david followed after me.

Sue had the water boiling and was grabbing mugs out. " tea or coffee " we both replied with coffee.

I sat down at the table and watched sue as she moved around the kitchen.

" your mother said  you should phone when you both got here. " she said grabbing a phone and dialing in a number.

She handed it to me and I placed it to my ear letting it ring. It ringed a few times before someone picked up.

" h-hello " said a small voice from the other end of the phone. Immediately knowing who it is.

" bee, put mother on the phone" I said to Beatrice, I herd her feet running.

" yeah, ok they are training with Chris" she said. I nodded although she couldn't see me.

I herd a few mumbled voices and the phone being passed off to my mother.

" hay, did you both have safe travel's " she asked.

" yeah, and Sue  came and picked us up at Port Angeles, was father mad at us" I asked looking over at David knowing he really wanted the answer to that question.

he was furious, but don't bother yourselves with this, you have other things to worry about. You both know not to let your personal life get involved in a job " she said the last bit sternly. I looked over at david and he just nodded sadly and gestured for me to hand him the phone.

I passed the phone over to him and he went out into the hallway to speak to our mother.

Sue placed The mug of coffee in front of me as I led my head sink into my hands.

Sue sat opposite me and placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her. She had soft doe eye and was holding a weak smile, in a comforting way.

It was weird, at home my parents don't show this kind of affection to their kids. Sure they loved us but, and I knew that but they don't show it physically.

" I don't mean to be noisy or anything , but is your mother always like that " she asked.

" well, she has since I started training" I finished taking a sip from my mug.

" when did you start training " she asked.

" when I was 12 " I said when I looked at sue she looked shocked.

" has it always been that strict " I simply nodded at her question. "why?" she questioned.

" because, when It come to life and death it is always strict and for us most circumstances are life and death situations " I said sadly.

" did you get a choice, on if you wanted to live this life style " she asked taking a sip from her mug.

I shook my head " for my family it has been like this for thousands of years we are brought up being told that this is what we were put on this earth to do " I said casually.

" do you have any other siblings " she asked. " besides David your mother never really talks about her personal life with me "

" yeah, I have a fourteen year old brother and a eight years old sister. We are also brought up not to get to attached to other people we meet and sharing personal information like that is seen as a way of getting to attached, mother never really liked that rule and to be honest neither do I. " but the difference was she followed the rules, where I had a bad habit or not following them. 

It fell into an awkward silence and I wanted to avoid any further conversation. My first impression of sue was that she is a lovely person and I was so grateful for her welcoming my brother and I into her home.

David walked in and placed the phone back down on the table in front of sue. She smiled up at him.

" you can go and unpack, dinner won't be for another while and I assume seth and leah won't be back for a while " she said standing you from her chair and pushing it back under the table.

I lefted the kitchen and made my way up towards the guest room. Sitting down on the bed and placing my bag on the floor next to me.

Travelling all day had me exhausted. I grabbed my daggers and placed then in my bag leaning over the edge of the bed. I rolled back onto my back and closed my eyes deciding that I needed a nap before we eat.


A/n I know rubbish chapter. It was just basically a filler. Sorry didn't really have a plan I just went with it
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