Chapter Three

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Ryder Daniels had just stolen my first kiss.....

My thoughts were spreading through my head like a bush fire. No... No... This couldn't be happening... No, Why me!!!! Of all people, WHY, WHY, ME?!?!?

I looked up at the girls outside you are now giving me death glares, seriously looking like they want to kill me. I felt sick. My head started to spin again and the room is moving at a million times per second. This is to much drama for me.

I need to go home.

I started to edge my way out of the corner. Being extremely careful where I stepped and trying not to run into anyone I knew. The last thing I want to do is run into someone and have to act totally fine when it actual fact I am a hot mess!

I'm not in the mood either.... Then again, who would be?

I grabbed onto the wall as I rounded the corner. My eyes scanned the crowd that had formed in the room. Where was Lily?. God at the time I most needed her she was probably off flirting with Josh.

Or making out with him?

As I looked more closely two figures come into my view. Sure enough Lily was on top Josh who was sitting on a chair and they were having a fully fledge make out session. I nearly gagged. If I had been in the jolly mood I was in before I might of let them continue....

But personally, right now I couldn't care less what happened, I really needed to talk with Lilly!

I literally sprinted across the room, god it was a big room. By the time I reached the 'lovebirds' I swear I was having a near heart attack experience. I needed to get fitter.

Lily suddenly disconnected her lips with Josh's and turned around to me. Her face told me that she knew something was wrong. That was the thing about Lily she could always and I mean always, tell if something was wrong with people. Especially me.

She turned back round and whispered something in Josh's ear, that made him smile smugly.

Something dirty maybe...?

Oh god. I made a mental note to never think like that again.

She hopped off Josh's lap and surprisingly grabbed my hand. "Lily!" I shrieked but she didn't reply. Before I knew it she was dragging me through the house. Outside, then we stopped at her car. "Get in" she said and literally jumped into the drivers seat. Was she ok?. She started the engine and we drove in silence.

Where are we going...?!

I looked up ahead and saw a place I hadn't been to in ages. I missed that place so much. All we needed to was turn right...

Just at that exact moment the indicator saying that we were turning right started flashing. I smiled.

Lily knew me so well.


Ice Cream Wonderland was the place I loved, it's a pretty cheesy name but that's what it is a wonderland with ice cream!

Right now Lily and I were sitting at one of the familiar red benches. A chocolate fudge ice cream in front of me and a banana split in front of Lily. I didn't get how she could like that.. Banana's? No thanks.

"Now Em tell me everything and don't even try to hide it?". I looked up at Lily as she spoke her eyebrow was raised and she had the most serious look on her face, it was so funny I almost smiled.

I knew I couldn't keep it from her, but I didn't want her to have a tantrum right in the middle of the store. I decided to tell her. After all she was my best friend.

"Ok, Lily" I started shakily. "Now don't freak out to much when I tell you this" I added knowing she would probably, no most definitely flip when she heard about the kiss. Lily face stayed serious but you could tell she was nervous. She was always like that when she was about to hear big news, especially when it was about me.

"You know Ryder Daniels?" I questioned while putting a spoonful in my mouth. God chocolate was so yummy. Lily slowly nodded obviously confused "You mean the bad boy of the century?" she slightly smiled, i wasn't smiling though and when she saw me she stopped. I swallowed.

"Well... At the party, before I came to you, he...... kissed me!?". I waited for a massive reaction from Lily nothing came. She just froze, I mean literally her spoon just stopped, hovering in mid air. "Lily?" I gushed in panic, oh god what have I done?!?!?!. Then it came.


Hi again! Sorry it has taken me this long to update again! My dad has been really annoying lately and he keeps turning my wifi off! I have also been getting writers block! D: I had planned to make this chapter a little longer but due to the current situations I think it it better to post it as it is now. Anyway I hope you like it! :D

Please check out and follow my two best friends!

They both are really awesome people and are currently working on some really good books!

Till next Update!


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