Chapter three; Don't go- Bring Me The Horizon

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picture of Emma

Emma's pov *before meeting ptv*

Maddie found out. How could i be so foolish to not realize she would? Where the fuck is she? she ran away from the park like 10 minutes ago. Where the fuck is she?!

I pulled my hair out of my bun and scratched my head in frusteration. "Think like Maddie, think like Maddie." I kept repeting that in my head hoping to figure out where she was. A TREE!!

I looked very closly to all the tree's around me and, sure enough, i see a foot with black fishnet leggings and a 'property of ptv' written on a pair of toms. Gotcha.

"FOUND YOU!" i screamed as i ripped her down from the tree. She looked up at me from the ground with tears running down her face. Now i know for sure she read the texts..

"Why didn't you tell me?" You could hear the sadness in her voice as it cracked when she asked me that. I didn't have the heart to answer so i just looked down at my Vans. I finally let the tears i had been holding since she grabbed my phone spring loose at a small sniffle. Maddie knew that when i sniffled like that i was about to sob.

"Come here" she almost whispered, tapping the ground next to her. With out hesitation i sat down and put my head in her shoulder and cried my eyes out. She wrapped her eyes around my body and rocked me back and forth. Im supprised her arms even fit around me.

When my dad and sister died my mom took that as an opprutunity to beat me, physicly and mentaly.

I have a scar on my head, that i hide with my hair, from when she threw me at a table. I have small scars on my cheeks from all the times she has slapped me. I have a lot of hair underneath my head tht is missing because she has pulled it out. I have scars on my ribcage that have been kicked in too many times to count.

I have been called many things on the lines of fat, slut, bitch, cunt, ect. At school too.

Maddie is my only real friend and the only reason i don't cut as much as i used too. I still do a lot, don't get me wrong, she just... helps.

After about an hour of crying we stood up.

Maddie's pov *at the resteraunt*

We got in line to our favourite resteraunt, El Loro. We are far towards the back, it is really busy today. Huh. "

Bru, what if we say pierce the veil here!?" Emma asked. She always says that when we are here, hoping we will. We never have and never will either but she needs something to hope for. "That'll be the day." I say and we both giggle.

She pointed at a picture of a fat donkey and said it was her mom. "Get it? JACKASS!!" oh my god Emma, you are such a child.

She turns around and i hear a little gasp from her lips. She then smacks my arm. Hard.


I turn around to see the one and only Vic Fuentes from Pierce the Veil standing in front of my fucking bestfriend looking at her with those soft brown eyes.

"Looks like someone spotted a wild vic" i say giggling, Emma did too. Emma looked at me and introduced us. Vic went to introduce himself but stopped, prossesing i called him by his first name earlier i think. Oh well.

He grabbed Emmas hand like a gentel men. I smirked and Emma saw too. She blushed soooooo hard. Oh wellll. I already shipped them soo hard.

We got to their table and my breath was taken away but the georgous Jaime Percado himself. Yum.

He looked over at me after Vic said something, i didn't even hear or care what he said. Jaime then yelled "DIBS" and fell out of his booth to stand in front of me.

OMFG JAIME PERCADO LIKES ME OMFG!! What is life right now?! While i was thinking that he decided it was a good time as any to tickle me. That was my only weakness. Nooooo.

Emma's pov

When we were brought back to their table Maddie got attact by a wild Jaime. She is so happy. You can tell by her laugh. She hates her real laugh but it is honestly so fucking cute like, share. But Vic looked at me, hope present in his eyes.

Mike at the booth started to scream Dibs i think but he was cut off by Vic picking me up bridel style and spinning me around going "uh-uh!" I got super worried that i was too fat and that he could see my cuts. I didn't bother to hide them because i thought that me and Maddie were just hanging out by ourselfs...

I think he could sence my worriedness so he asked me about it. I replied with something about breaking his arms or something.. i was babling.

"No hun, you are very, very, very light." He said normal. "Almost unhealthy.." he said so only i could hear him. Hurt present in his eyes as he looked down at my wrist. More hurt.

I shed a tear and he wippe it away woth is thumb. He put me down and we walked to the table.

We sat down and Mike screamed for the waitress. Funn. Sike.

She showed up in a flash and asked what we wanted, then noticing me and Maddie. "You girls want the usual?" "Yes please Page!" Maddie said excitedly. Page left and went into the kitchen.

"You girls come here often?" Tony asked us. "Yeah, Emma over there has always wondered if we would meet you here when we walked in. Everytime we walked in here she would always hope to see you... and look where we are now." Maddie said with a smirk. I turn BRIGHT red. I was so embarrised. I know how to get her back tho. "Maddie was always hopeful too, i can always tell when we are comimg here because of her shoes." I laughed and Maddie turned pale then dark red. Ha, two can play that game. Mike and Jaime looked under the table and came up with one of her shoes. 'Property of ptv' in neat handwritting, still there.


Maddie looked at me and went "You want yo present or not foo" she was so stupid sometimes. I still love her though. "I guess why not" i said. Suprised by my sudden confidence.

Maddie dug in her purse before she took out two PTV TICKETS AND BACKSTAGE PASSES!!! OMFG... wait, i am sitting at a table with them .... OMGGG!

"Who are they?" Tony asked in a disgusted looking face. "Those emo fags, ew" Jaime said pretending to throw up. "I would go gay for the singer though, mmm" Vic said all merry. "EW the drummer in that band is the only one who has talent!" Mike chimed in with.

What even..



The picture was of Emma.

sorry for any miss spelled words or phrases in this story. Hope you are enjoying ¿

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