Never Touch

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Your deep-set eyes

Touched a part of me I never knew about.


Never knowing was the better

And knowing what was intended never to be known

Thread the cotton to a needle that stitched insanity

With fantasy

And mortality.

Your smile

Touched everything around you.

And yet

It coloured scarred souls with solace,

Scarred coloured souls with pain

Glinted in hungry moonlight and affected the affecting.

Your smile never hurt, it led them to it and melted away,

Never appearing to harm, and never not.

Your hands

Never touched me.


It slipped my thoughts, it inked my doubts,

That never touching never meant nothing,

But something never touched glittered in brittle, archaic value.

To touch was to taint.

Perhaps it laid in faith.

To touch God, they said, hands folded towards the breathless heavens,

Is a desire blinded with impossibility.

But was to touch God to taint it with reality?

Was your desire to touch me

Blinded with impossibility?

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