Chapter 3

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It wasn't hard to notice a change in Adalina. As Ciel took his breakfast, he saw that she was standing a good distance away from Sebastian and refused to look at him. Though she tried to hide it, he could see her fidgeting with her hands nervously and her whole body tense up whenever Sebastian moved a bit closer to her.

He couldn't really say he blamed her. Sebastian turning into his true form was a rather terrifying experience, especially if one had previously believed him to be human. He could only imagine how the other servants would react if they found out the truth.

At first, he had wondered what Sebastian had seen in her that made him hire her as a Phantomhive servant. After all, she was far from the assassin Mey-Rin and Baldroy were, and she didn't have any supernatural abilities like Finnian. But as the weeks passed by, he understood. Though Adalina never spoke, she was very adept at her job and did everything she was asked without hesitation. He never once questioned her loyalty towards him and knew full well that if it came down to it, she would do whatever it took to protect him. It helped that she worked well with Sebastian and the butler actually welcomed her company which was a rare occurrence.

However, with her newfound knowledge of what Sebastian really was, she would not stand within two feet of him.

Her behavior continued over the course of the next few days and all of the servants noticed. They believed her behavior to simply be because of the trauma of being kidnapped, but they had no idea what the real reason for her terror was.

Sebastian watched her curiously as they worked. Even when he ordered her to work with him on dinner or help him clean around the manor, she kept her distance and went out of her way to make sure they never touched.

While he couldn't read minds, Sebastian could always sense how another person was feeling. He used that ability on Adalina on multiple occasions as it was the only way he could gain any kind of information on her. After all, with no words or even facial expressions coming from her, he had little to go on. By sensing her emotions, he could usually guess what she was thinking or what she desired.

When he sensed her now, all he could feel was how scared she was to be near him.

He had honestly never intended for her to find out his true identity, but desperate times did call for desperate measures. His master's safety came first and any repercussions would have to be dealt with later. He was usually pretty good at dealing with those. After all, if he couldn't handle a few mishaps whilst protecting his master, then what kind of butler would he be?

This was a big repercussion. If he and Adalina did not start working together like they had previously, things might quickly spiral out of control, and that was one thing he could not allow. He had to do something to make her realize that he had no ill intentions towards her. And he believed he knew just how to do it...

As Adalina exited one of the rooms in the manor and shut the door behind her, her heart began to speed up again like it always did once nighttime approached. In the dark, Sebastian could easily blend in with his surroundings and come after her if he wanted.

A part of her still believed that because she now knew that he was really a demon, he would kill her so she couldn't tell anyone. The other part of her believed him when he said he wouldn't harm her. However, she kept thinking about the other part of that sentence. He wouldn't harm her unless his master ordered it. What was to stop Ciel from ordering him to kill her? What if one day, he believed her to be too much trouble and just decided to be done with her? She didn't doubt he could come up with a brilliant story to explain her untimely death to the servants.

So many questions had been answered as to why Sebastian seemed like the perfect butler who did things that seemed impossible and how no one could ever truly explain where he had come from. Though now that she had learned the truth, she direly wished that she had just been kept in the dark about it all. Ignorance really was bliss.

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