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                        It's just Alex, Zhen and I who are single. Gabriel and Jackie are now official since last night. I felt bad for her, none of us have ever seen her cry but last night she looked so vulnerable, Dariush asked Jay out yesterday on the ride to the city. But right now we were running away from the alien, the same alien. I still couldn't believe that we fell for what Lou said and we let out the man who killed many and nearly Jackie, I actually thought she was gonna die but thankfully the alien came and killed him, thank you alien but now it's coming to kill us. We have been running since early morning for around 5 hours after the Lou encounter, "That was the same alien from camp." I said between breathes, "Ye, I thought we killed that thing." Jac replied, we stopped running now and we were walking up a hill getting away from the city. "If it came down with the capsule, that means it survived the heat of atmospheric re - entry. Which means it must have tremendous cellular regeneration abilities." Alex said looking at us as if we understood him, "English" Jay said, "Alex, please." Zhen said. But I understood him, "Wait, it's like Wolverine." I said, "Exactly!" Alex yelled, "my legs hurt" Jay moaned, "Get on my back..." Dariush said stopping and holding her once she jumped on, "Why the hell is the thing following us?" Gabriel asked, "It's pissed about its dog. You ever watch Marley and Me or Beethoven? It's a primal bond. It's out for revenge. Ask John Wick. For example, if Alex killed Jay I would hunt him down cause he killed my girlfriend, get it?" he said, awwww. "Ye and same for me I would kill whoever hurts Jac, I get it now." Gabriel said slinging his arm over Jackie. I peered over at Alex who was looking down, I took his hand and kissed his cheek, "Come on, we'll lose them if we stop." I told him dragging him up the hill. "You're putting human motives on an alien lifeform. No, it probably just had orders to kill Collins and anyone she came in contact with. We're just the loose ends to this thing." Alex suggest, "No, you what, dog theory was better." Jay commented making Dariush and her high - five. Jackie rolled her eyes and looked at Zhen, "Who gives a frog's fat ass why? This ain't Comic - Con bitches." Jac yelled, "All that matters is that it wants us dead. And we can't kill it." Zhen also said catching on to what Jac said, "She's right. We should just keep moving.." Alex suggested, Jay groaned and Dariush replied with, "I'm done with your ideas. You were the one who thought to let Hannibal Lecter out of his cell and nearly got Jackie killed," Jac looked down when that was said and Gabriel pulled her into a hug, "Consider your leadership privileges... revoked!" Dariush carried on, "Sometimes you do the right thing and it doesn't work out. The doesn't mean it wasn't worth doing." Alex said softly, "Who the hell told you that?" Dariush shouted, "dariush... stop" Jay whispered knowing this won't end well. "My dad, never knew what it meant until right now." Alex murmured, "Look, why is it up to us to save humanity?" Dariush asked, Jay jumped down from his back and stood back, "What, do think someone else should do it? Of course you do. The kid who's always had everything done for him," Gabriel shoved Dariush's chest and Jackie stood back next to Jay, "Maybe Mummy and Daddy can pay the alien to go away, buy him a new Mercedes--" Gabriel was cut off when Dariush headbutted him, "Hey! You don't know my family, dude!" they both began to fight, Jac and Jay went over and pulled them apart, "STOP!" "STOP IT!" they yelled, "That's enough I yelled walking over to help, "You don't know me. My family has nothing!" Dariush yelled back, "Oh yeah? Except for a dealership and a mansion and a yacht!" "No, the dealership is gone. It's all gone. That's why they sent me to camp, man." "It's... It's just stuff." "I don't know who I am without all that stuff... And.... they're taking my dad. He's going to jail." Dariush looked down, "I'm... I'm sorry." Gabriel apologized, "I'm sorry I headbutted you. You should clean that up." Dariush also apologized, "Yeah, it's fine. Sorry for... punching you." Jay hugged Dariush and Jackie pulled out a tissue to get the blood off Gabriel's nose. The radio began to beep Morse code again, I picked up Zhen's bag off the floor and got out the radio, "Ah, here we go. It's Dr. Fielding" Zhen said, "He's trying to contact us again. We gotta go." I said, "Maybe we should try find some clothes? No clue what that thing can track, it might be our scent." Alex suggested, "Then let's go." Jay dragged Dariush and we all followed, I took Alex's hand and walked with them. We ran down the hill towards a large mall, once we spotted it everyone picked up the pace, "I hope they got a McDonald's in here, I need me, like, 2 McDoubles and an ice cream." Dariush panted, "Hurry." "Come on." "Gotta get inside" we all said. After getting we were on the top floor, "Come on. I know Gucci's downstairs, let's go. Jackie and Gabriel walked over a different direction whilst we went to a small stand where there were lightsabers, "Yo. You guys... How do you think an alien would do against this? *imitates lightsaber* The circle is complete! I am your master now! *imitates lightsaber*" Dariush said all of began to laugh but Alex who moved the blue saber, "No, the line is, The circle is now complete. Now I am the master." he said, Dariush looked annoyed, "Okay, we really need to get you a girl. Gotta cut this shit out you know too much about this Star Trek shit." Dariush patted his shoulder looking at me, I blushed looking at Jay who wiggled her eyebrows, "Guy!" Gabriel shouted, "it's Star Wars..." Alex whispered. "It's time for a change." Jac said. We all went of in different direction to get changed, Jay went into a store, Jac went and found bathroom, Zhen walked in the direction we came in, the guys all found a Jewelry shop to change in and I went onto an old carousel.

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