-part seven. the trip. (pt 4)

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as i watched alyssa walk out of the diner, james and i noticed the waitress looking at us so we soon followed. we got back into james' dads car. stunk of shit in there. all musty, and the dust was getting up my nose.
"do you think it'll explode?" alyssa asked. both james and i looked at her. she stared at the car. and before we knew it all was left was the car on fire, james with no top and alyssa shouting as per usual. i kept thinking of the plan. my brain conjured up images of the blood spilling from her throat, her eyes rolling back and-
"hello? Y/N? are you there?" names said softly, i looked at him. "come on, we might loose alyssa. let's go." we both trailed behind the girl.
we walked for a while before we arrived at a road, where james, alyssa and i hitchhiked. we waited for someone to pick us up.
"why is no one stopping?" james asked as a blue, cranky car drive by. i clutched onto my backpack which contained my items from home.
"no one stops for freaks except other freaks." as alyssa said that, a man in a car pulled over. he let us in his car. i sat in the back with alyssa. they three of them spoke while i just stares contently out the window. soon enough we stopped at a cafe, where we got drinks. alyssa called the mans son a potato, the usual for her. james and the man went to the toilet, in which after a while she followed them in. i don't know what she saw but she came out of the bathroom with the mans wallet, a sour look on her face. and, of course james followed after. in which i followed after. alyssa was mad, and james calmed her down. after that we broke into a house, alyssa almost got raped by the home owner and i killed him. sorry, i got into that too quick. i'll explain...
(to be continued)
hello readers, it is I, kasey jupiter. well, now i am actually dollicorpse, but nevertheless. i am a very slow writer, as you can tell. i have another story similar to the end of the fucking world series coming up, which will be updated quicker. so if you like suicidal, emotionally manipulative psychopaths, keep an eye out on my account. while i am here, i suppose i should say something about the 'virus'.
please keep your self safe, practice self-isolation and wash your hands frequently. thank you.

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