Chapter 4 💀

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The Spanish class ended quickly, and I rushed out with my things. Mrs. Hopkins was eager to release us so she could Skype her husband as she has been doing for the past two days.

Putting my books and taking the ones I needed for my next class, I locked my locker and headed to the cafeteria.
Unlike the others, I didn't have to queue to get my lunch. Once, Patricia, the head lunch lady spotted me, she waved me over to the front and gave me my usual lunch. I thanked her with a smile and left for my table, leaving the remaining student body groaning in frustration.

"There she is," Melanie remarked when she saw me approaching. I looked questionably at her as I settled down and made myself comfortable.

"I was just asking about you," Layla answered my unasked question. That explained things. I smiled in appreciation and she returned it with a shy smile of her own.

"Hey Mona, didn't you and Brian attend the BlockFester's party? How come I only saw Brian?" Mel asked.

Oh no! I had totally forgotten that Melanie and Jarod were regulars at the BlockFester's party. I think we all know why Layla's name was excluded. The poor girl would faint from all the attention and people. I had to come up with a plausible lie, fast.

"Umm.....yeah..... I came down with a massive headache?" I more like asked rather than stated. Luckily for me, Melanie didn't give my excuse any more thought and so believed me. She moved to silently sip her diet coke while I beat myself up mentally for my terrible excuse.

"No way!" Jarod suddenly exclaimed, almost spilling Melanie's diet coke on her dress. I was not the only one who noticed this; hence the death glare that was following an oblivious Jarod's every movement. Before Melanie could get any ideas on how to murder Jarod, I inquired about the cause of his sudden outburst.

"We have a new transfer student, a guy, and from what I've heard, he's is smoking hot," he stated wiggling his eyebrows at us.

"Really?" Melanie asked, immediately perking up. I guess I didn't need to convince her not to kill Jarod anymore; he had saved himself. "How hot?" she pestered.

"What?" I was surprised. I was the head of the welcome committee of the school so any arrival of new students wouldn't have passed my notice.

"That's not possible. It's probably just a rumor, I would have been informed."

Right on cue, the principal's voice boomed through the cafeteria speakers. "Miss Monalisa Del Lana, Miss Monalisa Del Lana, please report to the principal's office. I repeat, Miss Monalisa Del Lana, please report to the principal's office."

"I think you are about to be informed right now," Melanie mumbled downing her drink as I packed my things and headed to the principal's office. I gave a short knock before entering. He was sitting at his usual seat, the office themed arrangement with black uncomfortable seats but I think that was the concept he was going for.

However, he wasn't alone.

At the other end of the table, sat a guy, a face I was seeing for the first time. I'm not going to lie, the guy was beautiful. His curly brown hair was trimmed short and well combed and his beautiful milky chocolate skin was glistening in the early sun.

What got me enthralled, however, was the color of his eyes. His eyes were light honey brown, lightening up with every movement and in total contrast to the darkness of his skin. As I said earlier, he was gorgeous. I was, however, sharply interrupted by the principal clearing his throat.

"Miss Del Lana, have a seat." he indicated to the seat right next to gorgeous over there. It's was no biggie; I just had to remind myself that staring at beautiful people is rude and kind of creepy. As I said before, no biggie.

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