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it was the 5th of September the big day! we had all got our outfits on sadly Charlotte and izzie weren't allowed to leave the house in theirs as they just looked so sexc people couldn't stand it. so they decided just to go in shorts and crop top. they got there super early to get close to the stage. first on were some bands that they had no interest in so. the girls decided to go on a walk to the fairground rides. because Charlotte and Izzie were humans so decided to surprise Aimee for coping with their legginess for so long. so at the ferris wheel there was one sexy motherfucker stood there staring deeply into her eyes. IT WAS HARVEY! anyways she left them  for him and they went of and partied all night long. well into 11. then as Charlotte and Izzie were hopping onto the skinny tings that make you feel so flipping' sick you actually throw up! they turned round to see two even sexcier motherfuckers staring deeply into their arms it was tom and Jake who both go into their ride and they had fun spinning!spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning basically constantly spinning until lizzie (wait no lizzie)  threw up on the Jake. "oh wow!" he exclaimed that was rather quite fit, I think I love. ou so they fell in love got married had baby shreks and it was happily ever after 

the end. tehe 

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