star gazing.

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The day had dragged into the morning.After their ICONIC performance they headed home but Charlotte lived far away and izzie's house burnt down so the option was for them to stay with the boys at Jacobs, but in there garden as there were some nice squirrels out there and Charlotte loved squirrels.Also if u look carefully are some hidden Shreks so izzie was having a great time.Jake came and sat beside izzie for an hours as they just chatted about their deep ocean sea volcano love they had for each other. Tom came from from the door with a bowl of carrots, Charlotte was so happy she cried. SHE FUCKING LOVED CARROTS.As the four of them lied on the soggy grass and stared at the stars, trying to see what shapes they could see. Ozzie pointed exclaiming she could see a zebra which what to Jake looked like a lanyard which to Charlotte looked like a fox which to tom looked like Noah, wait it was Noah! noah and Jacob were towering over the guys feeling left out so jumped  jump jump jump today on too the floor Noah twisted his pinkie toe and screeched in pain! Izzie immediately went to kiss it better when Jake got extremely jealous .So got Tomas from inside to kiss it better as no-one else was willing to kiss anyone else toes, especially Noahs which were as crusty as the ashes of my dead hamsters,dads,cat. Anyway all the time izzie was extremely comfortable being held tight in jakes hairy arms.all night they talked about random things and Jake taught izzie how to play the ukulele and bake.They had an amazing night full of laughs, giggles,cackles and PAHAHAHA'.

izzie and jakes love grew stronger and stronger.the stared. deeply into each others eyes and an incredible moment was incoming until Charlotte,noah,tom and Jacob all decided tomato them  jump jump jump today and scare them v v much that they hit heads and jakes nose starts bleeding izzie tried to help Jake and saved his life from this mega nose bleed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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