The past

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Madiline sits next to Kairi

Kairi: I thought I told you to leave and never come back

Madiline: well my parents found me and

Madiline turns back and sees you and ale flirting

Madiline: who's she

Kairi: oh the hot one yah that's Ana Marie her and ale are dating

Madiline: dating...

Kairi: uhm that's what I just said and don't get any ideas there in love

Madiline; right...

I could tell ale couldn't keep his eyes off Madiline

If your wondering what Madiline  ugly ass looks like here she is I mean pretty

If your wondering what Madiline  ugly ass looks like here she is I mean pretty

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Anyway moving on

Sofia obviously didn't like Madiline nor did kathy and i swear if this ugly fake tan dirt blonde flat ass bitch tries to take my man she's gonna end up like Ciara🙄I thought this bitch was dead? What kinda magic

Ale POV; seeing Madiline again brings back all the feelings I had for her before and the ones she had for me..I knew I was the one that was really her favorite not Mattia.i know Kairi didn't really kill her..maybe this is true love.. NO NO ALE I love ana but I love Madiline more..but I can't do that to ana..I wouldn't even be able to live with myself

Mattia was sitting right next to you and could tell you were mad

Madiline kept looking at you

Mattia give you a sign to meet him outside

You nodded

Mattia left and you followed after and so did kathy and Sofia and Kairi

You: I hate that bitch

Kathy: bro same

Sofia: I wanna drag her

Kairi: Yes lets do it

Mattia: what? Ana you just met her

You: she's giving my mans love eyes and he's doing the same if I have to I'll drag her and ale watch

Mattia Grabs your arm before you were gonna walk back inside

Mattia: no one is dragging anyone

Sofia:don't tell me your on that fishy bitches side

Kairi: yah she kinda smelled like...roses and recess and recess's they smell bad

Mattia: I'm not on anyone's side mamas

Sofia: seems like you are

Mattia: swear

Sofia; right

Kathy: I say we drag her

You: no

Mattia: Kairi you didn't kill her did you

Kairi: no I told her to leave I wasn't gonna go to jail the hell


Kathy: then let's drag her

Everyone; NO

Kathy: geez okay okay

Mattia: we have 2 problems

You:1.madiline 2.casey and angel so I say we get rid of number one

You were about to go back in when Kairi grabbed your hand

Kairi: ANA

You: fine

Sofia:bitch lets go drag her

You: period yes

Mattia: NO

Mattia: you just met her she ca-

Kathy: uhm why is ale letting her play with his hair



Mattia picked up Sofia and Sofia was kicking her legs



You walk in there and notice the teacher waiting for you guys she coughs and madiline sits up

You: your in my seat

Madiline: the teacher moved me here

You look at ale but he's just admiring her

You give her a mean look

Madiline: you have to sit in the seat I was in with Kairi


You sit in the seat and Kairi looks at you

Kairi: ugh

You: ugh

You: ale is so dead

Kairi: yes he is

You all turn around and look at them

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