The meet

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You get ready and meet he person at the sat there looking around

Yes of course I was hella nervous what if they tried to kill me..or worse when I sat there Diego came and sat on the chair across from me

You: sorry this seat is take

Diego: yah by me

You: I'm meeting someone here leave

Diego: me your meeting me the note I gave yoh

You: WHAT?!? what do you want

Diego:oh don't get all rude with me

You: just tell me what you want

Diego: you

You: yah no

Diego: fine guess your all dead

You: yah guess were all dead

You were about to get up but Diego grabbed your arm


Diego: I'll tell you where Ciara is

You: yah no


You: what..

Diego: I have been in love with you for so long we even killed angel


Diego: killed angel


Diego: she was getting annoying and she met with her dad

You: what's the dad name

Diego: Derek

You:..thanks for the info

You get up then Diego chases after you

You: go awa-

Diego grabs your arm and covers your mouth he was trying to drag you into the car when someone saw and called the police then the girl was beating Diego with her "Gucci bag"

The police came and arrested him

When you got home jabez knocked on your window

You opened it

He had his laptop in his hand

Jabez: you alright?

You: no not really

Jabez stares at you

Jabez hugs you it made you feel a bit better I guess now skip ahead Cuse I'm lazy

You and Diego were trying to find out where Ciara was so you searched up Derek and what prison he was at then the next day you went with jabez but you told jabez to stay outside you sat down

Derek: well well fancy seeing you here

You: how do-

Derek: Ciara's cousin

You: yah..

Derek: nice

You: how did you know

Derek: just a huntch are your whole family is rich and I could tell your rich your wearing a Gucci belt..and-

You: don't care I came to ask you where Ciara is

Derek chuckles

Derek: your not gonna find her and certainly I-

You: she killed angel

Derek pauses and his grin turns into a shocked could tell he was about to cry

You: so if you help me find her then you can be free from jail.

Derek puts his heads in his hands

Derek: she's in an old shack in westbrooke lane mont gomery don't go threw the front she always goes there

You: h-

Derek: that's where we used to meet up angel told me about it..

You: okay thank you

You get up

But before leaving you turn around

You: sorry for your loss tho😬

You walk away

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