sonder| 1

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/sonder/ (v.) the realisation that every one has a life just as vivid and complex as your own.

"3 minutes to spare!" I yelled to myself as I stared at the watch on my wrist. I wasn't paying attention as to where I was going until all of a sudden...


I felt my body clash into someone else's, causing us both to fall to the ground. I felt something wet on my skin. I looked at myself to see bright, vibrant paints of every colour splattered across my body. I looked ahead of me to see something that made me gasp.

Ahead of me was a beautiful girl; wine red painted over her long, curly hair that reached all the way down to her hips. She wore a white sundress adorned with roses. She had the deepest blue eyes paired with her pale skin. Her beauty was breathtaking. In her hands, she held now empty cups of paint. I felt guilty for causing them to spill all over her.

"I am so sorry!" She exclaimed as she looked at me with a worried look. Her voice was chirpy and cute, like bunny or a bird.

"Don't sweat it." I said, not wanting her to worry about me. I got up on my feet and offered her my hand. As soon as our hands touched, I felt a wave of euphoria wash over me, like all of my labor's were returned to dust.

"I'm Serenity Atkins. Nice to meet you!" Serenity introduced herself as she tied her hair into a loose ponytail.

"Serenity. Shorted from the word Serendipity, meaning to find happiness without looking for it." I explained upon hearing her name.

"Wow, you really know your literature!" Serenity exclaimed while blushing.

"We should really was off, class is about to start." I suggested.

We walked off to the bathroom and entered, in that moment, I realised I didn't even introduce myself.

"Oh! I didn't introduce to myself. I'm Alicity. Alicity Leighman." I said nervously.

"You're Alicity Leighman!?" Serenity exclaimed, shocked, causing her too stop washing her hands.

"Uhh, Yeah, I am." I replied, quite awkwardly.

"Your brother is famous! Who doesn't know Elias Leighman! The author of many books children know and love today!" Serenity exclaimed.

"Well, Literature and writing really isn't my domain, but who doesn't know your brother! It was a shame how he-'' At that moment Serenity slapped her hand over her mouth.

"I'm sorry for bringing that up, I know you must've been really sad over his..." Serenity started, but trailed off on her words near the end.

"Class is about to start, If we're going to be late, lets at least be late with some other people." I suggested, changing the subject.

Without thinking, but knowing despite us just meeting, I asked her: "We're in different classes, but I'd really like to see you after school, maybe we could grab some coffee?" I asked Serenity awkwardly, praying she would say yes.

She was silent for a moment, making me worry it was too soon, but it all washed away when she responded with: "Sure, lets meet at the from!" I watched her trot off out of the bathroom and into the her classroom. Serenity, she me feel different. Even if I only knew her for just a few minutes.

All of a sudden, the realisation that I was already late for my exam hit me like a deer in headlights. Quickly, I ran out of the bathroom, into the hall, and into my classroom.

There, I saw my professor, Mrs. Senesca, burning holes into me with her annoyed stare. "Ms. Leighman, in the alternate universe that you were here on time, i'm sure you would do well on the exam," Mrs. Senesca started, giving me a glimpse of hope. "But you missed the entire time you had to take the exam. You'll receive failing grades." My heart sank to my throat as she dismissed all the kids from my class.

"Ms. Leighman, please stay behind." Mrs. Senesca ordered. As my classmates left I stomped over too her desk, preparing myself for the verbal beating she was about to lay on me.

"I'm tired of telling you you need to start getting it together, and I know your tired of hearing it!" She scolded me, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed, for what felt like the 1000th time. "You will never succeed!"

I felt my blood boil. Honestly this did feel like the 1000th time. I know I'm not perfect, but who is she to tell me I won't succeed? The thought of it made me burn inside.

"After I graduate from this hell I'll show you! I'll be just like Elias!" I hissed, defending myself.

"This is your problem! You take to much from your brother! You will never be as good as your dead brother!" She yelled at me, trying to win the argument.

"He's not dead!" I defended him, trying my best not to break down. Even mentioning Elias cab bring me down, even on my best days.

Ms. Senesca sighed, uncrossing her arms and placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Alicity, your an amazing writer, probably one of the best i've ever seen, and i'm an old dog, so that's saying a lot." She started, calming down as she levled with me. "But you need to start writing out your own legacy instead of following your brothers, and for the last time, he is gone!" She pleaded, not with anger, but with sympathy.

I didn't respond, and just looked down. "Please, just let my words get to you for once." She pleaded again. I nodded, and turned from her. She didn't try to stop me as I walked out of the classroom.

This wasn't the first time I've fought with her. The both of us could be dead to each other, and yet we would still hate each others guts.

But, I survived my day. The thought that I would see Serenity and get to know the beautiful girl I met today was what kept me going. Most of my days weren't like this. I never usually have something to look forward, to, well, I guess other then laying in my bed and playing street fighter all night- but that's just routine for me.

Finally, the day ended. I practically ran to the front of the school, hoping I'd see my new red-headed friend. But to my dismay, she wasn't their.

I looked around a little bit, curiously. Apart of me was scared- thinking she had stood me up, but the other part of me rationalized it, for all I knew, she was still in the building.

I poked around until eventually I decided to go home. I thought maybe I would run into her the next day- If we did maybe we could patch up the reason she wasn't there.

But, to my surprise, I saw her outside of my dorm. But what pissed me off was that she wasn't alone- she was surrounded by a group of  3 people who were tossing all her paints on the ground while laughing their asses off. My blood boiled as I saw one of them yank a chunk of Serenity's hair.

Without thinking, I found myself stomping over and pushing one of those guys over. Doing this, all their eyes landed on me- including Serenity's, whose blue sapphire eyes were threatened with tears.

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