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WHAT THE hell was theo supposed to wear to a high school party? she had never been to one before, this would be her first.

it was around 5:30, and theo was freaking out about what she was supposed to wear to this stupid high school party. she looked through her closet, grabbing a plaid skirt and a tight white tee shirt.

she threw them on and pulled on a grey MIT sweater over it, sighing in satisfaction as she looked as herself in the mirror. her father had bought her the sweater in hopes that she would be persuaded in going to the school. she pulled her shoes on. she grabbed her purse and walked out of her room.

"hey, aunt charlie? peter invited me to this party so i thought i'd show up." she explained as she walked towards the living room.

charlie scoffed slightly, "i don't know if you should be getting this close to this boy. isn't he a mission of some sort?" she asked, putting her computer to the side to look at theo.

theo sighed, throwing her head back. "i think it's fine, i'm just having a bit of fun." she said, looking back at her.

charlie rolled her eyes. "watch it stark, i'll kick your ass. give me an attitude again." she said jokingly.

theo laughed. "i'll see you later, aunt charlie." she said as her phone buzzed, indicating that peter was here.

she ran down to the entrance of her building and saw peter's aunt's car. she got in the back, next to ned. "hi guys!" she exclaimed.

peter smiled widely at her. "hey theo, you l-look nice." he stuttered, which made theo smile even wider. theo looked over at ned, who was wearing a cool hat. she smiled at him.

peter's aunt looked at her in the mirror as they drove. "hi theo! im peter's aunt. call me may." she said and smiled.

theo nodded. "it's nice to meet you, may. thank you for driving." theo said politely.

as they pulled up to the house, exciting, upbeat music poured out from the big house. theo chuckled to herself a bit. suburb kids.

may scoffed a bit. "house party in the suburbs. oh, i remember these. kind of jealous." she commented like she was reminiscing on her high school years.

ned nodded excitedly. "it'll be a night to remember." he said, optimistically.

may turned to look at ned, looking from his hat back to him. she let out a laugh. "ned, some hats wear men. you wear that hat." she complimented.

ned smiled widely. "yeah, it gives me confidence." he told her, still smiling. may laughed some more.

peter is looking out the window, removed from the merry conversation taking place beside him. peter was nervous, his plan tonight snuggly hugging his body under his clothes.

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