동생 - younger sibling
남동생 - younger brother
여동생 - younger sister
형 - older brother
오빠 - older brother
누나 - older sister
언니 - older sister
삼촌 - uncle
이모 - aunt (mother's side)
고모 - aunt (father's side)
아저씨 - older man not related to you
아주머니 - older woman not related to you
할아버지 - grandfather
할머니 - grandmother
친구 - friend
사진 - picture
안경 - glasses
비밀 - secret
비 - rain
가게 - store/shop
박물관 - museum
가스 레인지 - stove (gase range)
오리 - duck (animal)
꼬리 - tail
공 - ballVERBS:
기대하다 - to expect
건너다 - to cross (road, etc...)
던지다 - to throw
싫어하다 - to not like
떠나다 - to leave somewhere
농담하다 - to joke
공부하다 - to studyADJECTIVES:
지루하다 - to be boring
마르다 - for a person to be too thin
멀다 - to be far away
비슷하다 - to be similar
싫다 - to be not good
오래되다 - for an object to be old
배고프다 - to be hungryADVERBS AND OTHER WORDS:
오늘 - today
어제 - yesterday
내일 - tomorrow
모레 - the day after tomorrow
년 - year
일 - day
시간 - time
RandomThis is book #1 for the Korean Language series. Try memorise all of the vocabulary in this book first before you proceed to the next one. Good luck ! This book contains Korean vocabulary. Try to memorise each words so that you can understand the mea...